Evan Starling-Davis’ G’20 journey of discovery began when he saw the first play he wrote performed in the Young Playwrights’ Festival at Syracuse Stage. He started to understand the depths...Read More
Gemma Cooper-Novack, a literacy education doctoral candidate, continues the School of Education’s commitment to community engagement in her second year as project manager for the The Narratio Fellowship. The Fellowship...Read More
International students enrich the School of Education’s community by contributing unique global perspectives. 35 countries are represented in the School of Education’s student body. “Being in the same classroom and...Read More
The School of Education’s renowned Douglas Biklen Landscape of Urban Education lecture series will return for the 2020-21 academic year with a slate of virtual events, beginning this week....Read More
For over a decade, the School of Education has provided support to the Syracuse International Film Festival, and SOE faculty have assisted in the selection and presentation films for the...Read More
In October 2019 the Writing Our Lives program marked its 10 year anniversary in the Syracuse community. From its early days in the community rooms of libraries with handfuls of...Read More
The Syracuse University School of Education is proud to be a Participating Partner in the CNY 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge. United Way of Central New York, in partnership...Read More
When the COVID-19 pandemic brought instruction in classrooms to a halt this spring, many educators had to approach their craft in ways they had probably never imagined. For Gala Hughley...Read More
As remote and online learning becomes more commonplace, our students and alumni want to show their School of Education spirit! You can use these images as backgrounds in Zoom and...Read More
An innovative partnership with a local agency is helping to support mental health services in Syracuse. Last summer, Melissa Luke, Provost Faculty Fellow at Syracuse University, Associate Dean for Research...Read More