Congratulations! Exercise Science Assistant Professor Kevin Heffernan received the Young Investigator Award at the annual meeting of the North American Artery Society in Chicago in early September 2013. Heffernan’s research examines...Read More
Chancellor’s Convocation for New Students Draws Thousands of Students and Families to Dome to Start the New Academic Year As they settle into their new homes and community, students were...Read More
President Barack Obama was greeted with loud cheers from an energetic crowd of young people at Henninger High School Thursday as he spelled out his plan for making college more...Read More
The 45th annual PDK/Gallup poll of public attitudes toward the public schools was issued August 21. Among its findings is that many people have little idea what the “Common Core”...Read More
SU Abroad students explore South Africa’s pre- and post-apartheid educational system and develop projects to enrich academic life of young students Aracely Hernandez G’13 had just returned to Syracuse in...Read More
In response to a growing national debate over teacher quality, the School of Education posted an explanation on its website this week about its approach to training teachers who will...Read More
The National Board for Certified Counselors-International (NBCC-I) awarded Melissa Luke, associate professor and coordinator of the School Counseling program in the Counseling and Human Services Department in the School of...Read More
The School of Education has announced the grand opening and dedication of the Sharon Haines Jacquet Education Commons, a new event and meeting space located on the ground floor of...Read More
Syracuse senior center Kayla Alexander, a Social Studies Education Major in the School of Education, was selected by the San Antonio Silver Stars with the eighth pick in the first round...Read More
Holocaust survivor Naomi Warren of Houston, Texas will be honored with the William Pearson Tolley Medal for Distinguished Leadership in Life Long Learning at a private gathering on April 7,...Read More