Financial Aid and Scholarships

The School of Education and Syracuse University want to help all students succeed, including finding ways to pay for their education. A wide range of opportunities for financial aid, awards, scholarships, stipends, grants, and fellowships are available for School of Education students. Our Office of Academic and Student Services is here to help you with any questions or help you need in finding funding and supports.

Syracuse University Resources

The largest source of financial aid for students at Syracuse University scholarships and grants. We also participate in the Federal Direct Student and Parent Loan programs. The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships can assist students and parents throughout the financial aid process. Their staff are available to address your questions, offer options for payment, assist in filing student loan and grant applications, assist with the application process, and suggest financial planning options. The Office of Sponsored Programs can also help with research and project-based financial assistance.

School of Education Endowed Scholarships

The School of Education houses many endowed scholarships and prizes. Eligible students will be selected based a combination of merit, financial need and donor criteria, and will be contacted if application or additional information is required. While most of our funds are for graduate students, undergraduate students are also considered for the Burton Blatt Scholarship, awarded through the financial aid process. These scholarships cannot be applied for. Eligible students will be selected based a combination of merit, financial need and donor criteria.

Corinne R. Smith Study Abroad Program Fund

The Corinne R. Smith Study Abroad Program Fund supports School of Education enrolled undergraduate and graduate students interested in study abroad, whether for full semesters, summer, or short-term trips.

Undergraduate School of Education Opportunities

  • Undergraduate Leadership Scholars: A select group of high-achieving, motivated, and passionate students from each incoming class to be Leadership Scholars. This group receive substantial financial assistance, priority consideration for SOE and University-wide academic opportunties, and the support of a caring and dedicated community.
  • Indigenous Teacher Preparation Scholarships: Scholarships and support for Native American undergraduates preparing to become inclusive education teachers, recognizing the critical need for Indigenous teachers in schools serving predominantly Indigenous communities.

Graduate School of Education Opportunities

  • Significant Master’s and CAS ScholarshipsSignificant scholarship opportunities are available for all students in a master’s degree program or certificate of advanced study. Affordably advance your career, your thinking, and your world! All applicants are automatically considered.
  • Baldanza Fellows Program (initial teacher preparation): Helping prepare for inclusive teachers with diverse perspectives for local schools. Fellows are chosen from applicants to our initial teacher certification master’s degrees and can receive full tuition scholarships, living expense stipends, and a hiring commitment from local school districts.
  • Project IMPRESS (inclusive education and school counseling): This distinctive grant program provides substantial tuition scholarships and stipends for inclusive/special education and school counseling master’s applicants from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
  • Caring Gene Career Pathways: Supporting individuals who follow the call to care for others through our Clinical Mental Health Counseling M.S. with complete financial coverage of tuition, books, supplies, and licensing exam fees.
  • Educational Leadership Future Leaders Scholarship: Starting in fall 2024, all students admitted into the CAS in Educational Leadership can receive a savings of up to 66% off university tuition rates, no separate application required. Additional scholarships are also available for educators with diverse life experiences with the Rising Diverse Leaders Scholarship.
  • Project IMMERSE (inclusive doctoral scholars)Full scholarships, competitive stipends, and unique cohort experiences across partner institutions are available for Ph.D. in Special Education students who want to be the future of inclusive education faculty, researchers, and leaders.
  • TEACH Grants: The Federal Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) provides grants to students who intend to teach in an elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families.
  • Syracuse Urban Fellowship: A partnership with Syracuse City School District to recruit teachers with diverse life experiences for part-time study while teaching full time. Fellows can qualify for our Literacy Education and Teaching and Curriculum M.S. programs. Interested students should contact Geoff Morton, SCSD Director of Effectiveness, at while applying for jobs in the district.
  • AmeriCorps City Year: City Year works to expand educational opportunity for all students and develop the next generation of leaders through national service. Our partnership with City Year offers 33% tuition scholarships and more to City Year participants, alumni, and staff. New SOE applicants should indicate their City Year participation both in their graduate school application and personal statement.

Outside Opportunities

These funding sources are not endorsed by the School of Education, but are provided as examples of places our students have found success receiving funding. Individual School of Education programs may list additional suggested funding sources for their specific content area.