
Category: Center on Disability and Inclusion

“Wrapped in a Sense of Calm”: Intelligence++ Brings Together Design and InclusiveU Students

As part of the inclusive entrepreneurship and design course called Intelligence++, design student Rabia Razzaq G’23 spent time last year with Andrew Dingel ’22, a student who has autism. The...
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InclusiveU Business Engagement Group Holds Inclusion Works 2023

The InclusiveU Business Engagement Group invited the local business community to the Salt City Market in downtown Syracuse on April 12, for Inclusion Works 2023. Click below to view the...
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The Daily Orange: SU Hosts Talk on Anti-oppressive Educational Approaches to Neurodivergent Students

(The Daily Orange | April 4, 2023) In 2004, Dr. Nick Walker implemented the term “neurominority.” While the term neurodivergent broadly covers acquired conditions like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, the...
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Sound Beat Releases Chris Catroppa’s ’22 “King Arthur and the Book of Corbenic”

Syracuse University Libraries’ Sound Beat: Access Audio has released the audio book King Arthur and the Book of Corbenic, written by InclusiveU graduate Christopher Catroppa ’22. The audio book can...
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School of Education to Present Film Screening and Discussion with Disability Activist Jordyn Zimmerman, March 30, 2023

What is it like to be autistic and non-speaking in a world that has already made up its mind about you? On March 30, 2023, Syracuse University School of Education...
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Savoring College Life: InclusiveU Student Mackenzie Gleason ’24 Finds Recipe for Success in Food Studies

It’s a blustery day in late November and Mackenzie Gleason ’24 makes sure she has a recipe safely tucked away in a pocket as she walks across campus to Syracuse...
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Now Accepting Applications for April 21, 2023, Intelligence++ Competition

Syracuse University Libraries’ Blackstone LaunchPad (LaunchPad) will be hosting the Intelligence++ showcase competition on April 21, 2023, from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Martin J. Whitman School of Management. Undergraduate and...
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InclusiveU Students Advocate in Albany on Student Empowerment Day

InclusiveU faculty, staff, and students journeyed to Albany, NY, on Feb. 8, 2023, to advocate with other colleges and universities from across New York State as part of a “Student...
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InclusiveU Student and Journalist Thomas Wilson Is a 2023 Unsung Hero

The 38th Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Planning Committee has announced the 2023 Unsung Hero Award winners. Joining InclusiveU student Thomas J. Wilson are Syracuse University staff...
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InclusiveU Director Brianna Shults Discusses SCSD Partnership with Urban CNY

Special Education Students Experience College—and Independence—through SCSD and SU Partnerships (Urban CNY | Dec. 17, 2022) Each morning last year, Emilio Smith got on the bus at his house and...
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