Faculty Bookshelf


Making Algebra Meaningful: A Visual Approach to Math Literacy for AllBook cover of Making Algebra Meaningful (Teachers College Press, 2024)
Nicole Fonger

An essential understanding of the uses and practices of algebra remain out of reach for many students. In this book, Nicole Fonger addresses the issue of how to support all learners to experience algebra as meaningful.

In a highly visual approach—using Fonger’s sketchnotes—the book details four research-based lenses with examples from ninth grade algebra classrooms: (1) students’ algebraic reasoning and representing; (2) goal-directed classroom practices with technology; (3) culturally and historically responsive algebra literacy; and (4) teachers’ journeys toward antiracism.

Fonger makes connections among research in algebra education; teaching algebra; and leading ambitious, equitable, and antiracist visions for algebra education.

Making Algebra Meaningful uses sketchnotes to share a vision of teaching that invites students to be curious, ask questions, and interrogate mathematical and social ideas,” writes Amy Ellis, Professor of Mathematics Education, University of Georgia. “This book humanizes algebra as something that all people can do, and Fonger shows us how to support students’ identities as powerful, competent learners of mathematics.”

The School Leaders Our Children Deserve: Seven Keys to Equity, Social Justice, and School ReformCover of The School Leaders Our Children Deserve, Second Edition (Teachers College Press, 2024)
George Theoharis

The School Leaders Our Children Deserve is an updated edition of the bestselling seminal book on school leadership, equity, and social justice. Drawing on the experiences and words of successful public school principals, Theoharis shows why social justice leadership is needed and how it can be effective in creating more equitable schools.

Although they faced tremendous barriers, the principals featured in this book made important strides toward closing the outcome and opportunity gaps in their schools by using inclusive, equitable practices. Featuring a mix of theory and practical strategies, this edition has been updated with new examples and frameworks relevant to today’s leaders.

Responding to the current context of national resistance to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion, this timely book portrays how real school leaders seek, create, and sustain equitable schools, especially for marginalized students.

Book cover of Resurrecting Song

Resurrecting Song: A Pathway Forward for the Choral Art in the Time of Pandemics (Routledge, 2024)
Wendy Moy

Through a collection of extensive interviews with choral conductors, educators, singers, and professional leaders, Resurrecting Song documents the choral music community’s journey through crisis and change during the COVID-19 pandemic and aids in its rebuilding in a new era where COVID-19 is endemic.

When the coronavirus pandemic emerged in early 2020, the impact on choral music was immediate and devastating, as the act of gathering and singing together became a source of contagion and potential severe illness or death.

Weaving together a wide range of first-person accounts, Moy addresses the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on choral music across contexts including community choruses, professional choirs, children and youth choirs, school choirs, and choral organizations.

In their own words, we hear how the community responded to the challenges and banded together to innovate, use technology in new ways, and generate changes to practice. The book also explores how the pandemic caused many directors to realize that they needed to create a more inclusive place of belonging in their rehearsals, and it provides reflections on the philosophy of singing and creating a choral community.

Documenting both pandemic experiences and the lessons learned from surviving and thriving, this book showcases the resilience of choral music and helps point the way to new directions for the choral community in the wake of the pandemic.

Indebted Mobilities book cover

Indebted Mobilities: Indian Youth, Migration, and the Internationalizing University (University of Chicago, 2024)
Susan Thomas

Indebted Mobilities is Susan Thomas’s ethnographic rendering of a group of middle-class Indian migrant men who attended a public university in New York just as the institution sought to “internationalize” its campus in the wake of ongoing withdrawal of state funding.

The book observes that while these young people seek the successful futures they believed to be promised when they migrated for an American education, they must face their marginalization as they become enmeshed in the fraught inclusion politics of university life in the United States. At the heart of these encounters is these students’ relationship to debt—not just material ones that include student loans, but moral and affective debts as well.

This indebtedness, which keeps them tied to both India and the United States, is meaningful to how Indian middle-class men make sense of their experiences as student-migrants. These youth long to be modern “men of the world.” Yet, as Thomas demonstrates, the complex realities that arise for them, informed by the logic of US exceptionalism, force them to reckon with their anxieties about successful masculinities and confront the precarity of being drawn into the global knowledge economy as indebted migrants.

Lesson Study with Mathematics and Science Preservice Teachers: Finding the FormLesson Study book cover (Routledge, 2023)
Sharon Dotger, Kelly Chandler-Olcott, Jennifer Heckathorn, et al. (Eds.)

Lesson Study with Mathematics and Science Preservice Teachers offers an overview of the fundamentals of lesson study in US teacher education, as well as examples from math and science teacher educators using the practice in their local contexts.

The number of teacher educators using lesson study with preservice teachers is small but growing. This book is aimed at teacher educators who may want to try lesson study in university contexts without the challenge of translating the practice from the K-12 context on their own.

In this volume, lesson study is broadly overviewed, attention is given to its constituent steps, and examples of lesson study in preservice contexts are shared. Given the broad array of teacher education program designs, numerous contingencies guide teacher educators in their implementation of lesson study, given their contextual affordances and limitations.

The lesson study descriptions and cases in this book will support teacher educators and scholars across subject specialities and geographic lines, as they seek instructional frameworks to advance their pedagogical goals.


Creating Our Own Lives book cover

Creating Our Own Lives: College Students with Intellectual Disability (Minnesota, 2023)
Michael Gill and Beth Myers (Eds.)

Creating Our Own Lives offers a powerful challenge to assumptions that intellectual disability is best met with protection or segregation.

The book records the first generation of students enrolled in inclusive higher education programs. It is also a resource of information and inspiration for parents seeking opportunities for their children and for individuals with intellectual disability who aspire to attend college.

The essays expose and contradict the inherently ableist claim that individuals with intellectual disability cannot be reliable storytellers. Instead, these deeply informative stories serve as a corrective narrative.

Enacting Disability Critical Race Theory book coverEnacting Disability Critical Race Theory: From the Personal to the Global (Routledge, 2023)
Beth A. Ferri, David J. Connor, and Subini A. Annamma (Eds.)

This edited volume foregrounds Disability Critical Race Theory (DisCrit) as an intersectional framework that has informed scholarly analyses of racism and ableism from the personal to the global, offering important interventions into theory, practice, policy, and research.

The authors offer deep personal explorations; innovative interventions aimed at transforming schools, communities, and research practices; and expansive engagements and global conversations around what it means for theory to travel beyond its original borders or concerns.

The chapters use DisCrit as a springboard for further thinking, illustrating its role in fostering transgressive, equity-based, and action-oriented scholarship. This book was originally published as a special issue of the journal Race Ethnicity and Education.

Allergic Intimacies book cover

Allergic Intimacies: Food, Disability, Desire, and Risk (Fordham Press, 2023)
Michael Gill

Allergic Intimacies is the first to explore food allergies in the United States from the perspective of disability and race. Central questions frame Gill’s analysis: Are food allergies disabilities? What structures and systems ensure the survival of some with food allergies and not others?

The book is a groundbreaking critical engagement with food allergies in their cultural representations, advocacy, law, and stories about personal experiences from a disability studies perspective. Gill questions the predominantly individualized medical approaches to food allergies, pointing out that these approaches are particularly problematic where allergy testing and treatments are expensive, inconsistent, and inaccessible for many people of color.


White Educators Negotiating Complicity: Roadblocks Paved with Good Intentions book coverWhite Educators Negotiating Complicity: Roadblocks Paved with Good Intentions (Rowan and Littlefield, 2021)
Barbara Applebaum

While there is a proliferation of research on white educators who teach courses around antiracism, this book focuses on white educators who teach about whiteness to racially diverse groups of students and who acknowledge and attempt to negotiate their complicity in systemic injustice.

In this book, Barbara Applebaum explores what it means to teach against whiteness while living in a paradox—that endeavors to disrupt systemic white supremacy often reproduce it. Rather than an empirical study, this book offers insights from recent scholarship surrounding critical whiteness and epistemic injustice and applies them to some of the most trenchant challenges that white educators face while trying to teach about whiteness to racially diverse groups of students.

Clinical Simulations book cover

Clinical Simulations as Signature Pedagogy: Educator Preparation Across the Disciplines (Harvard Education Press, 2022)
Benjamin H. Dotger and Kelly Chandler-Olcott (Eds.)

The School of Education is a pioneer and international leader in the use of experiential, immersive methods of professional development for educators and other professionals, especially the use of live-actor simulations, otherwise known as clinical simulations.

Clinical Simulations as Signature Pedagogy gathers case studies, analysis, and research that illustrate exactly why clinical simulations have emerged as one of the most powerful tools for the professional preparation and continuing education of teachers, counselors, and school leaders.

Edited by Professor Ben Dotger, Director of the Center for Experiential Pedagogy and Practice, and School of Education Dean Kelly Chandler-Olcott, the book features chapters by current and former Syracuse University faculty on the use of simulations in mathematics and science education, physical education, educational leadership, counseling, and inclusive education.

Parenting in the Pandemic book cover

Parenting in the Pandemic: The Collision of School, Work, and Life at Home—A Collection of Essays (Information Age, 2021)
George Theoharis and Rebecca Lowenhaupt (Eds.)

In March 2020 daily lives were upended by the global coronavirus pandemic. School suddenly moved online, and parents found themselves balancing professional responsibilities with supporting their children’s learning. Faced with the reality of schooling their own children at home during a pandemic, two education professors have edited a collection of personal essays that illustrate their experiences navigating being pandemic professionals and pandemic parents.

George Theoharis and Rebecca Lowenhaupt (Boston College) confront long-held theories about what school should be. They see up close the learning their own children endured online. They watch as education policy goes awry in their living rooms (and kitchens and bathrooms). And they make high-stakes decisions about their children’s (and other children’s) access to opportunity—all while trying to maintain their careers and precious family relationships.

DisCrit Expanded cover

DisCrit Expanded: Reverberations, Ruptures, and Inquiries (Teachers College Press, 2022)
Subini A. Annamma, Beth A. Ferri, and David J. Connor (Eds.)

A follow-up to DisCrit: Disability Studies and Critical Race Theory in Education (Teachers College Press, 2016), DisCrit Expanded explores how disability studies and critical race theory has both deepened and expanded, providing increasingly nuanced understandings about how racism and ableism circulate across geographic borders, academic disciplines, multiplicative identities, intersecting oppressions, and individual and cultural resistances.

Including a foreword by DisCrit intellectual forerunner Alfredo J. Artiles (Stanford University), editors Subini A. Annamma (Stanford University), Beth A. Ferri, and David J. Connor (Hunter College) convene a diverse group of authors who engage in inward, outward, and margin-to-margin analyses that raise deep and enduring questions about how scholars and teachers account for and counteract the collusive nature of oppressions faced by minoritized individuals with disabilities, particularly in educational contexts.


How Teaching Shapes Our Thinking About Disabilities book cover

How Teaching Shapes Our Thinking About Disabilities: Stories from the Field (Peter Lang, 2021)
Beth A. Ferri and David J. Connor (Eds.)

This collection, edited by Beth A. Ferri and her longtime collaborator David J. Connor, brings together 20 contributors who share deeply personal and powerful stories about the lasting lessons they took away from their early experiences of teaching students with dis/abilities in K– settings.

The authors and editors describe how their interactions with children and youth, parents and administrators, in the context of their classrooms and schools, influenced their shift away from the limiting discourse of special education and toward their become critical special educators and disability studies scholars. Connecting theory and practice, the authors share how they came to reclaim, reframe and reimagine disability as a natural part of human diversity and galvanized their research trajectories around studying issues of access and equity.

Five Practices for Equity-Focused School Leadership book cover

Five Practices for Equity-Focused School Leadership (ASCD, 2021)
George Theoharis, Sharon I. Radd, Gretchen Givens Generett, and Mark Anthony Gooden

This timely and essential book provides a comprehensive guide for school leaders who desire to engage their school communities in transformative systemic change. Sharon I. Radd, Gretchen Givens Generett, Mark Anthony Gooden and George Theoharis offer five practices to increase educational equity and eliminate marginalization based on race, disability, socioeconomics, language, gender and sexual identity and religion.

For each dimension of diversity, the authors provide background information for understanding the current realities in schools and beyond, and they suggest “disruptive practices” to replace the status quo in order to achieve full inclusion and educational excellence for every child. A call to action that is both passionate and practical, Five Practices for Equity-Focused School Leadership is an indispensable roadmap for educators undertaking the journey toward an education system that acknowledges and advances the worth and potential of all students.

Growing Up Ugly: Memoirs of a Black Boy Daydreaming book cover

Growing Up Ugly: Memoirs of a Black Boy Daydreaming (Simple Word, 2020)
James Haywood Rolling Jr.

Growing Up Ugly is an inspirational coming-of-age memoir that traces the upbringing of a painfully shy child with chronically low self-esteem—a Black boy reprimanded for daydreaming too much and raised in a struggling inner city New York neighborhood—who eventually grew to become an artist, a leading educator and an award-winning scholar.

Rolling composes a rich canvas of raw vignettes, family photos, original illustrations and poems in order to sketch a candid self-portrait. No matter who or what first made you feel ugly, here is storytelling that elevates its readers beyond their own scars, social anxiety or low self-esteem. This is a book for anyone who has ever been underestimated, bullied, abused or simply overlooked. It’s time to re-imagine your way from daydreams to destiny.