
Category: Center for Experiential Pedagogy and Practice

Student Veterans Needed for Study Designed to Help Transition to Higher Education

Military veterans transitioning from service to collegiate study often face unique barriers. Feeling as though universities, faculty and peers do not recognize the value of skills they learned in the military—and...
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SOE and IVMF Receive University Support for their work with Simulations and Student Veterans

The School of Education (SOE), the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF), along with the Office for Veterans and Military Affairs (OVMA) has received financial support through the Collaboration...
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New Zealand Fulbright Scholar finds cold weather, warm community at Syracuse

Second in a 4-part series of profiles on Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching recipients While initially envious of some of her Fulbright colleagues that got sent to Arizona and warmer...
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Faculty, Students, Local Teachers Participate in Lesson Study at Homer Jr. High School

Students and teachers from Burton Street Elementary School (Cazenovia) and Marcellus High School participated in an “It’s Go Time: Science For All” lesson study conference at Homer Jr. High School...
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Ranielle Navarro brings passion and positivity for science and literacy to Syracuse

First in a 4-part series of profiles on Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching recipients Aware of her status as the youngest person in the group of 18 recipients of the...
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Simulations Guide Student Veterans Facing Unique Challenges in Higher Education

Members of the Syracuse University community join forces on a new project from Teaching and Leadership professor Benjamin Dotger that gives student veterans an opportunity to talk openly about their...
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Lesson Study: Experimenting with Science Education for Students and Teachers

Professor Sharon Dotger brings professional development opportunities to area science teachers using “lesson study” method When Sharon Dotger, associate professor of science teaching in the School of Education, says the...
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End of Year Celebration Honors Faculty, Staff, and Student Awards

At its third annual End of Year Celebration on May 4, 2018, the School of Education recognized the outstanding awards, honors, and accomplishments of its faculty, staff and students from...
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Research Profile: Clinical Simulations Put Future Teachers to the Test

Few parents who have spent any time in their children’s classroom would dispute the challenges teachers face in the course of even the most routine day. Whether leading alphabet games...
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Lesson Study on NYS Science Standards at Cazenovia Elementary School

“Save the Sand Towers,” a lesson study project based on the new New York State Science Standards, was held last week at Burton Street Elementary in Cazenovia. News Channel 9 wrote about...
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