
Professor George Theoharis Weighs In on More Police for Syracuse Schools

Will more police be present at schools in Syracuse?

(CNY Central | March 15, 2022) Recent acts of violence have been present outside and inside schools in the City of Syracuse which has led to many communities and school leaders discussing the idea of bringing more police into the schools.

George Theoharis on CNY CentralDuring his briefing Mayor, Ben Walsh addressed the city will be using $71,000 of ARPA funding to work on their violence intervention assessment. The Mayor said this will give them a comprehensive view of all the city’s anti-violence and violence intervention services to see what’s work and what’s not …

Dr. George Theoharis, a Professor of Education Leadership at Syracuse University gave some alternatives.

Dr. Theoharis said, “Building relationships, we’re doing outreach, we’re building community in classrooms. Kids are engaged in productive things both in and out of the classrooms.”

The Syracuse Professor added not everyone feels safe with police around.

“Black and Brown communities tend to say police presence in schools does not make me or my kids safer. So, that’s not just a whim,” said Dr. Theoharis …

Watch the news clip.