
School of Education Student Philanthropy and Donor Thank You Day

On March 23 – 27, 2015, Syracuse University held its annual Philanthropy Week celebration, a series of events to raise awareness about the critical role philanthropy plays at the University—and in society as a whole. In addition to campus events, alumni clubs in cities across the country planned community service projects to share their Orange pride and giving spirit.

The tuition and fees that students pay cover only about 80 percent of the cost of running the University. Philanthropy Week is held annually—approximately 80 percent of the way through the school year—to symbolize the time when tuition “runs out.” Philanthropy and other income cover SU’s operating expenses for the remainder of the academic year.

This year, School of Education students celebrated Philanthropy Week with a special event in the Sharon Haines Jacquet Education Commons on Friday, March 20. Students were invited to learn about the importance of “giving back” and how the generosity of alumni and friends directly impacts their educational experience through technology upgrades, scholarship funds, and facilities. In turn, they signed their names to a “Thank You” card to School of Education supporters.

Otto paid a visit to show his support for philanthropic efforts and to encourage students to give back when they become Syracuse University alumni.

Photos from Philanthropy Day

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