
Keller Receives Student Research Award at ACSM

Exercise Science faculty and students at the A C S M conference

Graduate students from Exercise Science presented at the regional conference of the American College of Sports Medicine:

  • Allie Keller, Winner, M.S. student research award
    The Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Aortic Stiffness in Women Across the Lifespan (co-authors Lefferts, Augustine, DeBlois and Heffernan)
  • Patricia Pagan Lassalle, Finalist, graduate student research award
    Effects of External Calf Compression on Microvascular Oxygenation in the Lower Limb of Young Men  (co-authors Palamar, DeBlois, Lefferts and Heffernan)
  • Lindsey White
    Reliability and Validity Analysis of the COSMED K5 Portable Metabolic (co-authors DeBlois and Barreira)