Advisory Committee Appointed for School of Education Dean Search

Vice Chancellor, Provost, and Chief Academic Officer Gretchen Ritter today announced the appointment of a search advisory committee tasked with selecting the next permanent Dean of Syracuse University School of Education.

Kelly Chandler-Olcott, Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence, has served as Interim Dean for the past 16 months.

The committee is composed of students, faculty, and staff from the School and will be chaired by Christine (Christy) Ashby, Professor of Inclusive Special Education and Disability Studies and Director of the Center on Disability and Inclusion. Ashby also recently served as Co-Chair of the Academic Strategic Plan Public Impact Working Group. Additional members of the search advisory committee are:

  • Leela George, Associate Teaching Professor, Educational Leadership
  • Chris Johnson, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
  • Dawn Johnson, Associate Professor, Higher Education
  • Jing Lei, Professor and Chair, Instructional Design, Development, and Evaluation
  • Paula Maxwell, Director of Information Technology, School of Education
  • Mario Rios Perez, Associate Professor, Cultural Foundations of Education
  • Sara Jo Soldovieri, graduate student, School of Education
  • Savannah Stocker, undergraduate student, School of Education
  • Torin Washington, Assistant Dean for Advancement, School of Education

“The search advisory committee will play an integral role in identifying and securing an outstanding Dean for the School of Education, who will oversee implementation of the School’s recent restructuring process,” says Provost Ritter. “The committee has representation from across the school, including individuals in diverse roles and with unique experiences and perspectives, and I look forward to collaborating with this group to continue elevating the School of Education at Syracuse University and ensuring its continued success.”

The search advisory committee will oversee an interview schedule, stakeholder meetings, and all-school presentations by candidates, with the committee convening now and continuing its work in the early part of the Spring 2023 semester.