The master’s degree in Inclusive Special Education (Grades 7-12 Generalist) prepares graduates to work with middle and high school students with disabilities to ensure their right to a meaningful education in a general education setting.
Significant scholarships for diverse applicants:
— Baldanza Fellows Program full scholarships and stipends for future educators committed to working in Syracuse-area schools.
— Project IMPRESS: full scholarships for future educators interested in working with students with disabilities who have high-intensity needs.
This program provides students with the tools to understand and assess student strengths and needs, develop instruction that incorporates multiple learning styles, understand culturally responsive and sustaining perspectives and pedagogies, and ultimately help all children succeed.
Graduates meet the academic requirements for initial and professional New York State teacher certification in Students with Disabilities (grades 7-12 generalist) and may be eligible for subject-specific certification extensions.
Suggested Application Deadline: January 15 | More admissions information
Our graduates are in K-12 schools and other youth contexts including: