
Teaching & Curriculum, Ph.D.

The Teaching and Curriculum doctoral program requires a minimum of 90 graduate credits, and 9-24 credits of dissertation work. Many students can complete the degree in 3-4 years full time beyond the master’s degree. Part time study is also available for students working, including full-time teaching positions.

Students choose a specialization area in collaboration with their advisor, accounting for at least 12 credits of their program. Students may specialize in more than one area; students may also design a specialization unique to their interests and needs. Possible areas include:

  • A specific classroom subject/content area (e.g., music, social studies, mathematics)
  • Curriculum Studies
  • Elementary or Secondary Education
  • Inclusive Education
  • Multicultural Education
  • Urban Education

Other Requirements

  • A total of 45 credits in Teaching and Curriculum including a set of core requirements, and courses in the student’s specialization.
  • A minimum of 15 credits in research design and methodology. This includes 3 courses in one genre, and 2 courses in other genres of research.
  • A portfolio review after completion of 15 credits beyond the master’s degree. Students develop and display a portfolio which evidences skill in writing and thinking, and the progress that has been achieved to-date.
  • Research apprenticeship, typically in the context of a required or elective course or as an independent study with the student’s advisor. This mentored research experience often leads to a professional co-authored publication.
  • Doctoral Qualifying Exam.
  • Dissertation proposal, writing, submission, and defense (within 5 years of exam).

More information on academic requirements available in the Syracuse University Course Catalog.