Julia White was an invited fellow at the fourth edition of the Keene State College Summer Institute on Genocide Studies and Prevention in Keene, New Hampshire, June 6-10, 2022.

An Associate Professor in the School of Education, White directs the School of Education’s interdisciplinary minor in Atrocity Studies and the Practices of Social Justice, and she co-coordinates the Spector/Warren Fellowship for Future Educators.
The focus of the institute’s week-long study and networking was genocide prevention. Featuring 20 participants from higher education in the United States and abroad—including Argentina, Bangladesh, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, India, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, and elsewhere—the summit drew on a range of global historical case studies and current crises.
The institute also featured an international security simulation that explored current risk factors in Bosnia-Herzegovina and strategies for reducing them. Emerging crises and other flashpoints were dropped into the planned simulation scenario, forcing participants to react and pivot to a fluid situation.
Attendees who complete the Institute join educators who serve as leaders in Holocaust and genocide education in their academic institutions, communities, and professional organizations.
Learn more about the School of Education’s minor in Atrocity Studies and the Practices of Social Justice.