
Shortlist for the UKLA/Wiley Research in Literacy Education Award includes Kelly Chandler-Olcott

UKLA is delighted to announce shortlists for the prestigious UKLA/ Wiley-Blackwell Research in Literacy Education Award 2018.

The Award is given annually for papers published in each of UKLA’s journals – Literacy and Journal of Research in Reading (JRR) – judged to be exemplary in terms of criteria applied in both journals. Literacy and JRR are peer-reviewed journals with international reputations for excellence. The panel chair is Dr. Wayne Tennent.

UKLA congratulates all the shortlisted authors.

The winning authors will be announced at the UKLA International Conference in Cardiff July 6-8 and invited to present a joint seminar at the conference.

Shortlist Literacy 2018

  • Bearne, Eve. Assessing Children’s written texts: a framework for equity. Volume 51 Number 2 May 2017.
  • Ellis, Sue and Smith, Vivienne. Assessment, teacher education and the emergence of professional expertise. Volume 51 Number 2 May 2017.
  • Moss, Gemma. Assessment, accountability and the literacy curriculum: reimagining the future in the light of the past. Volume 51 Number 2 May 2017.
  • Maine, Fiona.The bothersome crow people and the silent princess: exploring the orientations of children as they play a digital narrative game. Volume 51 Number 3 September 2017.
  • Kelly Chandler-Olcott. Disciplinary literacy and multimodal text design in physical education. Volume 51, Number 3 September 2017.
  • Jennifer Danridge Turner and Jennifer Albro. When I grow up: assessing American children’s perspectives on college and career readiness through drawings. Volume 51 Number 2 May 2017.

The Literacy shortlists were selected by Jill McClay and Clare Dowdall (editors), Gabrielle Cliff Hodges and Trinka Messenheimer; the JRR shortlists by Jessie Rickets and Julia Caroll (editors) in consultation with JRR Associate Editors.

The award is given to a text which fulfils many of the following criteria:

  • Relevance to readership – taking account of an international readership
  • Accessibility to a knowledgeable readership
  • Original content which contributes significantly to existing knowledge or the development of new knowledge, policy or strategy
  • Clear theoretical position
  • Methodologically sound research processes /design appropriate to the theoretical standpoint
  • Sound level of critical analysis
  • Relevant and appropriate citation base

Final panel: Dr. Wayne Tennent (Chair) Frances Bodger, Lynda Graham, Christine Hall, Clare Kelly, Jackie Marsh, Rebecca Parry, Kat Valley, Nicola Yuill

Original article from UKLA/Wiley