
Lesson Study

Lesson Study is a collaborative process that facilitates planning, analysis, and continuous improvement of instructional practices through live observation, evaluation of student learning, and goal-setting.

Workshops for teachers, administrators, and students across the state have been organized by the School of Education since 2016, primarily centered around the New York State science standards for curriculum and student learning.

“In my research, I want to know more about how students are learning in classrooms and how our teaching is related to that learning. This is the fundamental goal of Lesson Study.”—Professor Sharon Dotger

Collective Learning Improves Instructional Practice

First grade students at Burton Street Elementary School, Cazenovia, NYLesson Study promotes collective learning about standards, student thinking, curriculum materials, and instructional practices:

  • Teachers are encouraged to carefully observe student learning as it happens.
  • The method is derived from the established Japanese continuous improvement model of jugyou kenkyuu.
  • Learning modules used for Lesson Study in Syracuse-area schools focus on science, math, and literacy.
  • Research is funded by the National Science Foundation.

Continuous, Collaborative Improvement

Burton Street Elementary School first grade studentDuring the Lesson Study process, teachers …

  • Collaboratively name a research theme.
  • Study standards, curriculum resources, and research about students’ thinking.
  • Design a lesson that links the study to the research theme.

One of the teachers then teaches the lesson to students, with colleagues observing. This live observation gathers data about students’ reasoning. Afterward, the teacher and observers discuss the students’ ideas, evaluating them against the research theme and setting goals for further inquiry.

News About Lesson Study

Core Faculty

Sharon Dotger, Professor; Faculty Director for Teacher Education and Undergraduate Studies|315.443.9138
Sharon Dotger