Antiracist Algebra Coalition

Sketchnote of the "path to algebra"Formed in 2021, the Antiracist Algebra Coalition connects Syracuse community members and stakeholders in education to explore the intersection of antiracism and students’ success in algebra.

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In our work, we aim to educate ourselves, educate others, and advocate for change around supporting all students to experience algebra as meaningfully connected to their lives.

Recent examples of our research, education, and advocacy efforts toward antiracist futures include:

  • Study of how antiracist algebra teaching supports students’ learning through Dr. Gholdy Muhammad’s “cultivating genius” lens of joy, criticality, intellect, skill, and identity.
    Project: “It was meaningful because …” (September 2023)
  • Holding work sessions focused on Black Brilliance and Mathematics Coaching (Fall 2021).

A Sense of Place attendees reading a map of I-81For more information:

Nicole Fonger, Associate Professor, Mathematics Education|315.443.1499
Nicole Fonger headshot