
New SOE Faculty and Administration for 2013-2014

The School of Education will welcome six new members to the faculty and administration in the 2013-2014 academic year.

New Faculty and Administration

Heather Allison Waters is the new Assistant Dean for Advancement and Alumni Relations. She most recently served as a senior development manager at London Business School and has held other campaign fundraising positions at Columbia Business School and NYU’s School of Law. Originally from the Syracuse area, Heather holds a BA in Politics from Mount Holyoke College and an MS in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution from Columbia University.

Juliet Hess has joined the faculty in Music Education.  Juliet received her PhD. in Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.  Juliet is a specialist in the music of Peru, Cuba, Ghana, and Ireland.

Michael Norris holds a Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. He is Assistant Professor of Urban and Inclusive Health & Physical Education.  Previously he taught Pedagogy of Physical Education at Chicago State University.

Suzanne Oliver has a PhD in Kinesiology and MFA in Dance from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Dance. She comes from SUNY Brockport where she held a tenure-track faculty position.

In Counseling and Human Services, Nicole Hill will join the department in January as department chair and Professor. Linwood Vereen will also come on board as Associate Professor; Linwood has been hired, but will not be joining us until the summer of 2014.  Nicole and Linwood are coming to us from Idaho State University. Melissa Luke is serving as Interim Department Chair until January 2014.

Familiar Faces; New Roles

Welcome back to Jason Duffy, who continues his appointment as Assistant Professor in Counseling and Human Services. He holds his PhD in Counseling and Counselor Education from the University of Rochester and is Coordinator of the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program here at SU.

Elisa Dekaney has agreed to assume the role as Chair of our Music Education department.  After 14 years in that role, John Coggiola is taking a break!

And, Sharon Dotger has taken on the role of program chair of Science Teaching for SOE/A&S.