
Kelly Chandler-Olcott Named School of Education’s Associate Dean of Research

Kelly Chandler-OlcottThe School of Education has announced that Kelly Chandler-Olcott, professor of reading and language arts, has been named associate dean of research. In this role, Chandler-Olcott will support and build research in the School of Education, and mentor faculty members in their scholarship. Other responsibilities include: participating in associate dean of research meetings on campus, assisting faculty members in developing research profiles, increasing the research profile of the School of Education, building better databases and interfacing with the Office of Sponsored Programs and the Office of Sponsored Accounting. She begins her new role Sept. 1.

“The position of associate dean of research is a critical one as we work to enhance our research profile in the School of Education,” says Joanna Masingila, dean of the School of Education. “Dr. Chandler-Olcott is an exceptional researcher and scholar, a proven mentor and a great colleague. I’m pleased that she has agreed to take on this very important role.”

Chandler-Olcott began her tenure at the School of Education in 1998 as an assistant professor in reading and language arts, and was promoted to associate professor in 2003 and full professor in 2010. She recently stepped down as department chair of reading and language arts, having served in that position since 2008. She has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in content literacy, English methods, literacy and technology, and writing for professional publication. Her professional accolades include: being named a Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence in 2015; receiving an Excellence in Graduate Education Faculty Recognition Award in 2008; and receiving a Meredith Recognition Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2000.

Chandler-Olcott has an impressive record of publishing and service to the university and profession. She has co-authored five books and more than 65 chapters and articles, which have appeared in such journals as English Education, Journal of Teacher Education, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, and Reading Research Quarterly. Professor Chandler-Olcott has also been active in national professional organizations, having various responsibilities in the Literacy Research Association, among others. At Syracuse, she has served on the Fast Forward Operational Excellence Steering Committee and the University Senate.

Chandler-Olcott says her immediate priority as associate dean of research is to “engage with the University’s strategic plan, so we can contribute to campus-wide conversations as well as articulate in this time of change why our school-specific priorities are important.” She says she is excited about the appointment, eager to get started and grateful for Dean Masingila’s trust in her.