HEOP and TRIO SSS Programs Honor Students and Collaborators

The Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) and TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) continue to find innovative ways to celebrate both students and the campus collaborators who vibrantly enhance both programs’ student success.

The HEOP and SSS teams announced five inaugural awards at their virtual graduation ceremony. Each award recognizes the outstanding work of professionals and students, be it for years of service and dedication, positive student engagement and support, or student achievement.

The HEOP and SSS leadership and staff want to recognize the myriad of people who consistently support the efforts of their programs and establish a series of awards that honor select members of the Syracuse University community. They are pleased to present these awards to well-deserving members of the community in honor of the great legacies for whom they are named.

With a year unlike any other in higher education, the HEOP and SSS leadership and staff felt it was time to create a new and hopeful platform that recognizes the true meaning of One University. They look forward to subsequent years of recognition and in-person celebrations.

The Robert L. Boney Service in Perpetuity Award: Named for HEOP’s inaugural director, HEOP and SSS leadership and staff are truly excited and humbled to receive the blessing from the family of Robert Boney on the naming of this award. They felt strongly that this award be named in honor of Boney, as he is remembered as a pioneer in higher education, particularly in relation to opportunity programs and student support.

This award is presented to Syracuse University professionals (past or present), alumni and/or community members who consistently provide or provided great contributions to the continued existence and development of the HEOP and SSS programs. As a result of the exceptional work done by the recipients, the programs–and more essentially, the students–continue to thrive here at Syracuse University and beyond. The inaugural recipients are:

  • Barry L. Wells, former Syracuse University senior vice president of student affairs; former special assistant to Chancellor Kent Syverud;
  • Horace H. Smith, former associate vice president for undergraduate studies;
  • Colleen O’Connor Bench, associate vice president, parent engagement and student experience;
  • Marsha C. Senior, director, University College HEOP; assistant director of student administrative services, University College; and
  • Joann “Jan” Strauss Raymond ‘65 and Charles “Chip” V. Raymond ‘66.

“I am incredibly humbled and sincerely honored to receive such an honor, especially one named for Mr. Boney, who was so cherished by so many of us over the years,” says Bench.

The leadership and staff celebrate the rich history that each of the recipients has with the programs.

Robert C. Wilson Legacy Award: This award is presented in honor of colleague, friend and former director of Student Support Services Robert C. Wilson, whose long history of leadership of SSS is steeped in dedication to serving first-generation students. HEOP and SSS are presenting this award to Syracuse University professionals whose dedication, commitment and service supports the success, retention to graduation, and the overall enhancement of the marginalized students’ experience. The inaugural recipients are:

  • Kalpana Srinivas, interim director for student success, enrollment and the student experience
  • James W. Ryan, senior associate director, admissions

The Denise Trionfero Student Excellence Awards: This award named in honor of colleague, friend and former director of HEOP is presented to an HEOP and SSS graduating senior. These graduates have shown immeasurable resilience, academic growth and dedication to service to the programs. The inaugural recipients are:

  • Canab Sheekh Nuur ’21, a political science alumna in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs; and
  • Barrington C. Bucknor ’21, a biochemistry and neuroscience alumnus in the College of Arts and Sciences.

The HEOP and SSS Spirit of Service Award: The award recognizes the dedication and service of a Syracuse University professional whose work throughout the academic year supports students. The dedication and service of this professional enhances both the academic and personal success of each student with whom the awardee is connected. The inaugural recipients are:

  • Derek Pooley, success advisor, College of Engineering and Computer Science;
  • Katherine Shaw, advisor, College of Arts and Sciences; and
  • Shannon Marrero, undergraduate academic advisor, iSchool.

The HEOP and SSS Ally Award: This award recognizes campus partners, supporters and friends who embrace a spirit of creating an inclusive climate that strengthens the retention-to-graduation efforts of our programs. The hard work of these awardees is distinguishable and valued by HEOP and SSS students. The inaugural recipients are:

  • The Office of Multicultural Affairs; and
  • Katherine Hanzalik, assistant teaching professor, Department of Writing Studies, Rhetoric and Composition in the College of Arts and Sciences and HEOP and SSS writing and language arts support specialist.