
Professor Beth Ferri Named to Provost’s Advisory Committee on Promotion and Tenure

Professor Beth Ferri, Syracuse University School of Education Associate Dean for Research, is one of seven faculty members elected to serve on the University Provost’s Advisory Committee on Promotion and Tenure.

Committee members, who serve two-year, staggered terms, work in an advisory capacity to ensure consistency across the promotion and tenure processes and promote high academic standards. They advise Vice Chancellor, Provost, and Chief Academic Officer Gretchen Ritter, providing a wide range of perspectives and serving as University-wide faculty representatives. Members must be tenured full professors and are not eligible to serve consecutive terms.

In addition to serving as Associate Dean, Ferri is Professor of Inclusive Education and Disability Studies. She has published widely on the intersection of race, gender, and disability and has published six co-authored books, most recently Enacting Disability Critical Race Theory: From the Personal to the Global (2023, Routledge).

Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs Jamie Winders convenes the committee. Provost Ritter is Chair, and Vice President for Research Duncan Brown serves in an ex-officio capacity. Winders assigns a subset of seven members to assess cases that meet the criteria for review, including those that have substantial disagreement between layers of recommendation or a strong probability of a negative determination. Members engage in timely consultation with the Provost and offer an advisory vote but do not issue a formal report or consider appeals.

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