
Dean’s List – Fall 2017

The following students have been named to the School of Education Dean’s List for this semester. To be eligible, students must receive a minimum semester grade point average of 3.40 or higher and have earned a minimum of 12 graded credits.

  • Basil Adams—Health and Exercise Science
  • Oberima Yaw Afriyie-Baah—Selected Studies in Education
  • Gregory Agrapidis—Health and Exercise Science
  • Mackenzie Allen—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Maya Alperin—Health and Exercise Science
  • Reighan Alston—Health and Exercise Science
  • Alexia Ames—Health and Exercise Science
  • Vincent Arbeeny—Physical Education
  • Alexis Armistead—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Madelyn Austin—Music Education
  • Nicole Bartlett—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Sydney Berkman—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Kathrine Berrell—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Lucy Bisset—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Nicole Blitzer—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Natalie Blyznak—Health and Exercise Science
  • Hamza Bokhari—Health and Exercise Science
  • Genesis Bolanos—Selected Studies in Education
  • Ashlynn Borce—Health and Exercise Science
  • Lauren Borg—Social Studies Education
  • Isabella Borrero—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Christina Borza—English Education
  • Camille Bourland—Music Education
  • Sophia Brittain—Social Studies Education
  • Christopher Brusa—Health and Physical Education
  • Dylan Bryant—English Education
  • Caterina Capodilupo—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Megan Cardwell—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Christine Castorino—Math Education
  • Wing Chin—Music Education
  • Kaitlyn Chiodo—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • David Choi—Health and Exercise Science
  • Alan Chung—Health and Exercise Science
  • Julie Coggiola—Music Education
  • Mackenzie Cook—Health and Exercise Science
  • Kailee Coonan—Health and Exercise Science
  • Cassie Cooper—Health and Exercise Science
  • Javonna Corbin—Spanish Education
  • Leia Correa—Health and Exercise Science
  • Eve Critelli—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Julie Cross—Selected Studies in Education
  • Cassandra Crowell—Health and Exercise Science
  • Nicole Cruz—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Rylie Czarnecki—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Lauren Czudak—Selected Studies in Education
  • Lucas Dam—Health and Exercise Science
  • Lauren Daniska—Health and Exercise Science
  • Anna D’Aprix—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Christina Dedona—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Isabella Dell’Amore—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Priya Desai—Health and Exercise Science
  • Emily Deutch—Health and Exercise Science
  • Amanda Diamond—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Elisa Diodoardo—English Education
  • Vincent DiPaola—Selected Studies in Education
  • Kaitlyn Doehler—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Lorin Donovan—Health and Exercise Science
  • Jessica Dratch—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Laura Drost—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Aidan Dunn—Health and Exercise Science
  • Emily Durand—English Education
  • Nadya Eades—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Sierra Eastman—Mathematics Education
  • Salwa El-Hindi—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Nicole Evans—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Samantha Farrell—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Jill Feigenbaum—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Michael Fernandes—Music Education
  • Samantha Fernandez—Health and Physical Education
  • Justina Fikert—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Dylan Finer—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Luke Frering—Health and Exercise Science
  • Jenna Freytag—Health and Physical Education
  • Mikaela Friedman—Health and Exercise Science
  • Keebah Garnett—Health and Exercise Science
  • Ellie Garno—Social Studies Education
  • Erin Garrity—English Education
  • Noah Garson—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Hayley Geiger—Selected Studies in Education
  • Emily Gershman—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • David Gilstrap—Health and Physical Education
  • Hannah Gold—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Madison Goldberg—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Madeline Gonynor—Music Education
  • Azalyn Gonzalez—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Hannah Goodale—Health and Exercise Science
  • Jacob Greco—Health and Exercise Science
  • Caroline Groome—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Megan Gruver—Selected Studies in Education
  • Paige Gyurindak—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Leah Haines—Music Education
  • Brenna Hart—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Lauren Hart—Health and Exercise Science
  • Justine Hastings—English Education
  • Michaela Hatem—Health and Exercise Science
  • Kate Hecker—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Jessica Heese—Selected Studies in Education
  • Alyssa Heller—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Lauren Heller—Selected Studies in Education
  • Leja Henderson—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Molly Herbert—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Courtney Heritage—English Education
  • Celeste Hernandez—Selected Studies in Education
  • Erin Hernandez—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Maeghan Higgins—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Liam Hines—Music Education
  • Marcus Ho—Health and Exercise Science
  • Madeline Holmes—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Ti Hung Hu—Health and Exercise Science
  • Xin Huang—Selected Studies in Education
  • Claire Hughes—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Caitlin Hupe—Health and Exercise Science
  • Laura Hurff—Health and Exercise Science
  • Samantha Iafrati—Health and Exercise Science
  • Meghan Jacobsen—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Christian Jaquay—Music Education
  • Ariana Jasko—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Aaron Jerez—Health and Exercise Science
  • Natalie Johnson—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Ravyn Johnson—Selected Studies in Education
  • Caitlin Johnston—Spanish Education
  • Kyle Jones—Music Education
  • Erin Joyce—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Erica Kachaylo—Health and Exercise Science
  • Julie Karabinus—Health and Exercise Science
  • Sarah Kelley—Music Education
  • Tyler Kerr—English Education
  • Heather Kessel—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Samantha Kevy—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Kaylee Kick—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Nora Kingman—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Kaitlyn Kingston—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Matthew Klafter—Health and Exercise Science
  • Lillian Klass—Biology Education
  • Brooke Klein—Selected Studies in Education
  • Sarah Konishesky—Health and Exercise Science
  • Lauren Koniuch—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Julie Kosik—Health and Exercise Science
  • Karleigh Kowalski—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Kari Krajewski—Health and Exercise Science
  • Lexa Krawchick—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Julia Kronenberg—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Caitlyn Krueger—Music Education
  • Rachel Krueger—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Kathleen Krumbach—Music Education
  • Briana Kushner—Health and Exercise Science
  • Tracey Laboz—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Sabrina Lambros—Music Education
  • Kaylie Larlee—Art Education
  • Viktoria Layton—Health and Exercise Science
  • Matthew Lazarowitz—Health and Exercise Science
  • Ellen Legg—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Margaret Lenkiewicz—Music Education
  • Jamie Leon—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Annie Levine—Selected Studies in Education
  • Carmen Li—Selected Studies in Education
  • Alexandra Linton—Health and Exercise Science
  • Patricia Maciolek—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • John Macleod—Health and Exercise Science
  • Moira Malley—Health and Exercise Science
  • Louisa Mancuso—Health and Exercise Science
  • Bari Margolis—Selected Studies in Education
  • Ryan Martin—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Rachel Mason—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Kyra Mathison—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Emma Maurer—English Education
  • Ryley McCarron—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Elizabeth Mccrohan—Music Education
  • Riley Mccurdy—Music Education
  • Kyra Mcdermott—Math Education
  • Winter McLeod—Selected Studies in Education
  • Gabrielle Meadows—Music Education
  • Danielle Medico—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Hope Meltser—Selected Studies in Education
  • Isabel Meltzer—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Lauren Messina—Health and Exercise Science
  • Sarah Mihalko—Health and Exercise Science
  • Marissa Miller—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Caroline Montanaro—Health and Exercise Science
  • Brittany Montpetit—Music Education
  • Juliet Moore—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Molly Moore—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Lourdes Morales—Spanish Education
  • Abigail Mulloy—Social Studies Education
  • Victoria Munley—Music Education
  • Cassidy Murphy—Health and Exercise Science
  • Shoko Nagami—Music Education
  • Rebecca Narins—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Jeffrey Nathan—English Education
  • Sarah Nesic—Health and Exercise Science
  • Anhtu Nguyen—Health and Exercise Science
  • Jansen Nicholas—Health and Exercise Science
  • Cody Norman—Selected Studies in Education
  • Sofia Notar-Francesco—Music Education
  • Kole Nuehs—Health and Exercise Science
  • Emily O’Brien—English Education
  • Abigail O’Connor—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Colleen O’Connor—Selected Studies in Education
  • Amanda O’Hara—Health and Exercise Science
  • Angela O’Neil—Health and Exercise Science
  • Alexis Osei—Health and Exercise Science
  • Cesar Pagan—Health and Exercise Science
  • Elaina Palada—Music Education
  • Francesca Palatella—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Kiana Parrott—Health and Exercise Science
  • Sean Partee—Music Education
  • Jocelyn Pepper—Health and Exercise Science
  • Nicholas Peta—Music Education
  • Quoc Phan—Health and Exercise Science
  • Gabrielle Phillips—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Jessica Phillips—Health and Exercise Science
  • Elizabeth Pogact—Music Education
  • Allison Polkowitz—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Jonathan Pollock—English Education
  • Lucas Prestamo—Social Studies Education
  • Casey Pritchard—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Alice Pryor—Music Education
  • Anthony Pugliese—Health and Exercise Science
  • Joshua Pulver—Physical Education
  • Jianzhen Qin—Selected Studies in Education
  • Yihua Quan—Selected Studies in Education
  • Matthew Quezada—Music Education
  • Cara Quimby—Health and Exercise Science
  • Kelly Rachlin—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Caitlin Reda—Health and Exercise Science
  • Isabel Reedy—Health and Exercise Science
  • Michelle Rice—Health and Exercise Science
  • Sonia Richman—Music Education
  • Benjamin Rodriguez—Selected Studies in Education
  • Neali Rogers—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Danielle Runfola—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Samantha Ruotolo—English Education
  • Josephine Ryder—Physics Education
  • Bryce Saba—Health and Exercise Science
  • Brittanya Salgado—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Maxie Salomon—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Kristen Sampino—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Gabrielle Sanft—Music Education
  • Madeline Santoro—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Julia Sarna—Selected Studies in Education
  • Charles Sawyer—English Education
  • Grace Schnorr—Health and Exercise Science
  • Siera Shepard—Health and Exercise Science
  • Esther Shin—Health and Exercise Science
  • Patrick Shober—Health and Exercise Science
  • Lauren Shron—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Campbell Siegrist—Health and Exercise Science
  • Michelle Sievers—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Makaela Simmons—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Stephen John Skelton—Social Studies Education
  • Hannah Smith—Spanish Education
  • Emma Snitkoff—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Samuel Somera—Social Studies Education
  • Brianna Stahrr—English Education
  • Stephanie Stathopoulos—Health and Exercise Science
  • Paige Stoner—Selected Studies in Education
  • Christopher Szlamczynski—Health and Exercise Science
  • Samantha Taggart—Health and Exercise Science
  • Emily Temkin—Selected Studies in Education
  • Jaime Tevelson—Health and Exercise Science
  • Matthew Torak—Health and Exercise Science
  • Erica Turriziani—Health and Exercise Science
  • James Twyman—Health and Exercise Science
  • Rexana Vachereau—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education
  • Valerie Van Dellen—Health and Exercise Science
  • Jennifer Vangelder—Health and Exercise Science
  • Kevin Varga—Music Education
  • Catherine Vedilago—Music Education
  • Jessica Vigna—Health and Exercise Science
  • Karrissa Volcy—Health and Exercise Science
  • Kylie Walter—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Mary Washburn—Health and Exercise Science
  • Zachary Watson—Health and Exercise Science
  • Alexa Watt—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Julia Welch—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Joy Wharton—Health and Exercise Science
  • Allison Whitlock—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • DeVaughn Williams—Health and Exercise Science
  • Tyler Witek—Health and Exercise Science
  • Lily Wolfer—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Brittany Wright—Mathematics Education
  • William Wright—English Education
  • Qi Wu—Selected Studies in Education
  • Lulu Xu—Selected Studies in Education
  • Carolyn Young—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Natalie Young—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Amanda Zall—Music Education
  • Muni Zhang—Selected Studies in Education
  • Lin Zhao—Selected Studies in Education
  • Kyle Zhen—Inclusive Elementary and Special Education
  • Hannah Zimar—Inclusive Early Childhood Special Education