
Study Abroad

syracuse unicersity students at Everest base campBroaden your perspective and enhance your resume with Syracuse Abroad experiences.

Consistently ranked one of the top international education providers in the US, Syracuse offers more than 100 programs in 60 countries that allow students to customize their abroad experience to their availability, academic requirements, and interests.

School of Education students have opportunities to study for a semester at one of Syracuse’s centers or partner programs for a semester abroad, or participate in a School of Education short-term signature program for one to six weeks.

If you are interested in studying abroad during your time at the School of Education, contact your advisor as early as possible to discuss how a semester or short-term trip can fit into your academic program.

Making Study Abroad Affordable

Students studying abroad in costa rica

The School of Education offers generous scholarships and support for qualified students interested in study abroad. The Corinne R. Smith Study Abroad Program Fund supports all SOE study abroad including undergraduate and graduate students, on full semesters and short-term trips.

For more information on study abroad funding, please contact:

Marlene Blumin, Professor Emerita; Corinne R. Smith Study Abroad Program Fund Coordinator
Marlene Blumin

Syracuse Abroad also offers grants, aid, and incentives.

Syracuse Abroad Centers and World Partners

You’re in good hands! Every Syracuse Abroad Center is overseen by an academic director and bicultural support staff, and has close ties with local universities and communities. Pre-departure and on-site orientation programs further prepare students for their semester or year abroad. Syracuse Abroad is also known for its diligence in all matters relating to student safety and the well-being of the whole student.

School of Education Short-Term Trips

The School of Education offers many signature programs to study abroad for 1-6 weeks over winter, spring, and summer breaks. These programs are led by SOE and associated faculty and closely align with the goals and curriculum of our programs. Apply for these and other experiences abroad through Syracuse Abroad. Short-term trips include:

A group of students in an old Roman amphitheaterLiteracy, Inclusion, and Diversity in Italy

Apiro, Florence, Rome, and Venice
With Professor Christy Ashby and Professor Kathleen Hinchman
Today, Italy is experiencing a new wave of immigration as well as the effects of a widespread downturn in the economy. Disability studies, as a field of inquiry, has also begun to emerge in Italy. At the same time, new ways of labeling students and new concerns about accountability and achievement are influencing educational policy and practice in Italy. Thus, the implementation and meanings of integration (or inclusion) take on new meanings in the midst of these changes, making this a very significant time to be studying and observing inclusion and literacy instruction in Italy.

South Africa study abroad students in a colorful settingEducation and Inclusion In Post-Apartheid South Africa

Makhanda, Eastern Cape Province
With Professor Julia M. White
South Africa is a country rich in history, culture, language, and diversity. It is also, according to the World Bank, the world’s most unequal country. This course allows graduate and undergraduate education students to examine and compare the South African educational system with the US educational system and apply theories and strategies from their teacher education program in new settings. Students also have hands-on experiences working with teachers and students in middle schools, a school for socially marginalized youth, and an after school mentoring program run by Inkululeko, a non-governmental organization.

A student teacher teaching at a rural school in KenyaExperiencing Education in Rural and Urban Settings in Kenya

With Professor Joanna Masingila and Professor Jeffery Mangram
Travel to Kenya to be immersed in the Kenyan educational system and experience rural and urban life and school settings. You will work with students and teachers in classrooms in a rural day secondary school and an urban boarding secondary school. Beginning and ending in Nairobi, you will also visit Ugweri and Embu, spend overnight by a water hole and salt lick in the Aberdare National Park, and cross the equator near Mt. Kenya.

“I participated in the Kenya study abroad experience because I am fascinated about the education system of Kenya. As a pre-teacher, I want to learn as much as I can about teaching, educational practices, and the culture around education. I’m extremely honored to be able to participate in such an incredible program like this, and I plan on using these experiences in my own classroom.”
Mason Burley ’27, Inclusive Adolescent Education