School of Education Endowed Scholarships

The School of Education houses many endowed scholarships and prizes. Established by and named after individuals who care deeply about the School of Education, these donors are alumni who either were beneficiaries of financial support when attending the School of Education, or their gift was made to honor the memory of a loved one.

  • These scholarships cannot be applied for. Eligible students will be selected based a combination of merit, financial need and donor criteria.
  • Scholarships are only open to School of Education students; with the exception of the Burton Blatt Scholarship, all scholarships are open to graduate students only. Undergraduate Burton Blatt funding is awarded through the financial aid process.
  • Note that these scholarships are not available to full-time SU employees, spouses, or partners; these persons are instead eligible for remitted tuition benefits.
  • Approximately 15% of School of Education students will receive support through one of these scholarships, either tuition credits or monetary awards.

For more information or questions contact:

Jessica Puccia, Development Assistant|315.443.4754
Jessica Puccia
Breana Nieves Vergara, Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions|315.443.2505
Breana Nieves Vergara

Burton Blatt Scholarship

This scholarship is open to both undergraduate and graduate students at the School of Education. Recipients are chosen both for merit and financial need, with preference given to minority candidates.

Graduate Scholarships

General School of Education Scholarships

These tuition scholarship funds are not program-specific, and are open to all current and incoming graduate students.

  • Howard C. and Ethel G. Allen Educational Scholarship
    Provides support for student research work.
  • Board of Visitors Scholarship
    Provided the basis of merit and/or need. Created by the School of Education’s Board of Visitors, a group of active alumni, parents, and friends.
  • School of Education Dean’s Scholarship
  • Gula M. Moench Scholarship
    Open to female graduate students from New Jersey and/or Maryland. Other graduate student applicants will be considered if NJ or MD residents do not apply or qualify.
  • Shelley Baum Schechtman-Jacobson Scholarship
    This award eternalizes the memory of Shelley Baum Schectman-Jacobson.
  • Barbara Irvine Shineman Scholarship
    Open to students who completed their undergraduate studies at the State University of New York at Oswego.
  • Margaret P. Stafford Traditions Scholarship
  • Lynne Langberg-Stybel Scholarship
    Provides support based on merit and/or need. This award eternalizes the memory of Lynn Langberg-Stybel.
  • Grace Glor Wheeler Scholarship

Program-Specific Scholarships

  • Joanne Blumin ’66 Scholarship
    Open to graduate students the Higher Education, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, School Counseling, and Counselor Education graduate programs (alternates each year).
  • William M. Millard Instructional Technology Grad. Scholarship
    Open to students in the Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation master’s program.
  • Mildred E. Blumin Scholarship
    Open to graduate students studying issues in literacy, special education and/or a focus on learning disabilities.
  • Margaret J. Early Scholarship
    Open to  students in the English or Literacy Education master’s programs, with a preference for students from racial and/or linguistic backgrounds that are underrepresented in teaching, or to students dedicated to working with such populations. In honor of Dr. Margaret J. Early, a distinguished faculty member in reading and language arts for three decades.
  • Peter B. Mosenthal Scholarship
    Open to graduate students English or Literacy education, with preference given to minority students, students from rural areas, and/or student dedicated to working with those populations.
  • Emily Angeline Scholarship
    Open to students studying inclusive education, with a focus on teaching strategies for those who are hearing impaired.
  • Lila Bull Art Education Scholarship
    Open to graduate students studying Arts Education, supporting 2-3 students per semester.
  • Mildred E. Blumin Scholarship
    Open to graduate students studying issues in literacy, special education and/or a focus on learning disabilities. Created by Professor Emerita Marlene Blumin and her family.
  • Frances Burgoyne-Burt Scholarship
    Open to full-time graduate students studying inclusive education.
  • Roland & Barbara Cook Scholarship
    Open to graduate students in teaching preparation programs.
  • Marie R. Sarno and Christopher H. DeVoe Scholarship
    Open to graduate students in teaching preparation programs, with a preference for those in English, Social Studies, Art, or Music programs.
  • Marshall M. Gelfand Special Education Scholarship
    Open to graduate students in Inclusive Education programs, with a preference for those working with students with learning disabilities.
  • Linda Hoenig Scholarship
    Open to graduate students in preparation programs for teaching elementary or secondary education, with a preference for those with prior classroom or student teaching experience.
  • Joanna O. Masingila Scholarship
    Open to graduate students, with a preference for underrepresented students studying math education.
  • James R. Manwaring Scholarship
    Open to graduate students in the Educational Leadership C.A.S. or doctoral degree programs.
  • Pia Pettrone Scholarship
    Open to graduate students in secondary teacher preparation programs, with a strong preference for students residing in Onondaga County.
  • S.U.S.A.A. Scholarship (Syracuse University Superintendents Alumni Association)
    Open to full- or part-time graduate students in the Educational Leadership C.A.S. program.