
Inclusive Special Education (Grades 7-12 Generalist), M.S.

Program Requirements

The Inclusive Special Education (grades 7-12) master’s program requires 30-43 graduate credits, depending on your previous academic content. This program can be completed in 15 months of full-time study (summer to summer), or students can choose to study part time while working.

In this program, you’ll take courses in disability studies, adaptive instruction, assistive technologies, and inclusive education theories and practice. This coursework will be supplemented by multiple full- and part-time field experiences in a variety of settings, allowing you to use your newly acquired skills directly in a classroom environment. Coursework areas may include:

  • Assistive Technologies for Integrating Students
  • Positive Behavioral Supports in Secondary Schools
  • Inclusive Professional Practices in Special Education
  • Collaboration/Cooperation in the Schools
  • Literacy Intervention for Special Educators
  • Adapting Instruction for Diverse Student Needs

Students with no previous teacher certification may be required to take a series of liberal arts distribution courses to fulfill prerequisite requirements for certification, as well as a 30-credit liberal arts major or concentration. Many of these are usually fulfilled by previous undergraduate and graduate study, or can be completed after you start your master’s program (but before graduation). These requirements are determined by reviewing your transcripts during the admissions process; contact the department for more information.

Students will also complete a capstone project and presentation as their culminating degree experience, including a portfolio of instruction and assessment, a research paper, and reflections on your teaching philosophy and beliefs. More information on academic requirements available in the Syracuse University Course Catalog.