Xiaoxia Huang

Silvie Huang Headshot
Associate Professor
Phone: 315.443.5255
Address: 476 Huntington Hall
Academic Program Area Focus: Instructional Design Development and Evaluation

Xiaoxia “Silvie” Huang received her Ph.D. degree in Instructional Systems from Florida State University. She joined the School of Education at Syracuse University in Fall 2022. Her research interests center on designing, developing, and evaluating technology-supported learning environments in various formal and informal settings to facilitate cognitive, affective, and motivational processes in learning. Her most recent research efforts focus on designing and evaluating theory-based immersive virtual reality learning environments. Her work has been published in many peer-reviewed journals, including British Journal of Educational Technology, Computers in Human Behavior, Contemporary Educational Psychology, Educational Technology Research and Development, and Interactive Learning Environments. One of her articles received the 2015 1st Place Journal Article Award (Quantitative-Based Research) sponsored by Division of Distance Learning (DDL) with Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).

Huang serves on the Editorial Board of Educational Technology Research and Development  (ETR&D) journal (2023-2025) . She won the 2015 and 2022 ETR&D Outstanding Reviewer award. She has also served as a reviewer for a number of other journals, such as Computers in Human Behavior and Computers & Education.

Prior to joining Syracuse University, Huang was a faculty member in instructional design at Western Kentucky University where she taught a number of courses related to instructional design and technology. She also worked as a lead program evaluator for a U.S. Army-funded training program in advancing the knowledge and skills of Army Cadet Command Educators in instructional strategies, technology, and leadership. Prior to Western Kentucky University, she was an instructional designer and an adjunct instructor at Indiana State University.


Ph.D., Instructional Systems, Florida State University

Courses Taught

  • IDE 631 Instructional Design and Development I
  • IDE 632 Instructional Design and Development II
  • IDE 737 Advanced Instructional Design