
Vincent Tinto

Vincent Tinto
Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Vincent Tinto is a Distinguished University Professor Emeritus at Syracuse University and the former Chair of the Higher Education Program. He has carried out research and has written extensively on higher education, particularly on student success and the impact of learning communities on student growth and attainment. His book, Leaving College, published by the University of Chicago Press, lays out a theory and policy perspective on student success that is considered the benchmark by which work on these issues are judged. His most recent book, Completing College, also published by The University of Chicago Press, lays out a framework for institutional action for student success, describes the range of programs that have been effective in enhancing student success, and the types of policies institutions should follow to successfully implement programs in ways that endure and scale-up over time.

He has some 50 notable publications, including books, research reports, and journal articles, to his credit and has lectured across the United States, Australia, Canada, Chile, Europe, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, and South America. From 1990 to 1996 he was associate director of the National Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment. He has worked with a number of organizations, foundations, and government agencies on issues of student success and sits on a number of advisory boards including the Community College Survey of Student Engagement, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and The Lumina Foundation.


  • Ph.D. Education, Sociology; The University of Chicago
  • M.S. Physics, Mathematics; Rensselear Polytechnic Institute
  • B.S. Physics, Philosophy; Fordham University


He has received numerous recognitions and awards.

  • 2015 President Harry S. Truman Award for the American Association of Community Colleges
  • 2012 Council of Educational Opportunity Walter O. Mason Award
  • 2008 Council of Independent Colleges Academic Leadership Award
  • 2008 National Institute for Staff Development International Leadership Award
  • Distinguished Fellow, Council of Learning Assistanced Developmental Education Associations