Sabrina Butler

Assistant Teaching Professor
Address: 440 Sims Hall
Academic Program Area Focus: Counseling and Counselor Education

Sabrina M. Butler joined the Syracuse University School of Education in August 2024 as Assistant Teaching Professor of Counseling and Counselor Education. Before her appointment, she taught mental health counseling ethics, family counseling, and group counseling at the University of Central Florida, where she was a doctoral student. She has also guest lectured at Cazenovia College and Syracuse University.

Articles on these and other topics have been published by Butler in the Journal of Counselor Education and Supervision, Journal of Creativity in Mental Health Counseling, Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, and elsewhere. Her lecture topics for national and international counseling conferences include addiction, suicide prevention, and refugee populations.

A member of the American Counseling Association, Association for Specialists in Group Work, Counselors for Social Justice, and EMDR International Association, Butler’s clinical experience includes practice at Central New York-based Branches of Growth, Liberty Resources Integrated Healthcare, Family Counseling Services, and Hutchings Psychiatric Hospital.


  • Ph.D., Counselor Education and Supervision (2024), University of Central Florida
  • M.S., Clinical Mental Health Counseling (2018), Syracuse University
  • B.S., Psychology (2015)Syracuse University

Research & Scholarship

Butler's research explores counselors-in-training and their clients’ religion and spirituality, feminist ethical decision-making in supervisor-supervisee relationships, trauma-informed approaches to romantic break-ups, and process addictions in children and adolescents.