Joanna Masingila is a Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence and a professor of mathematics and mathematics education. She is a dual faculty member in the School of Education and the College of Arts and Sciences (Department of Mathematics). She has been at Syracuse University since finishing her Ph.D. in mathematics education at Indiana University-Bloomington in 1992 and served for 7.5 years as Dean of the School of Education (January 2014-July 2021). Prior to her doctoral work, she taught secondary mathematics for six years in Indiana.
Her research interests include teacher development, teacher educator development, mathematical knowledge for teaching teachers, and students’ out-of-school mathematics practice. She is or has been a principal investigator or co-principal investigator on over $7 million in grants, including six from the National Science Foundation, two from the United States Agency for International Development, and two from the International Research and Exchanges Board via the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Masingila has published widely in journals and books and has developed more than 30 multimedia case studies examining issues in teaching practice. In 1998, she was a Fulbright Scholar to Kenyatta University in Nairobi, Kenya, and spent Fall 2011 on research leave there. Masingila has worked extensively with teachers and teacher educators on professional development and research activities in Kenya for more than 20 years.
Masingila is active in policy and advocacy work for teacher and leader education at the local, state, and national levels. She is currently a board member of the Professional Standards and Practices Board for Teaching for New York State and served as President Elect, President and then Past President of the New York Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NYACTE).
Teacher and teacher educator development
Her research interests include teacher development, teacher educator development, mathematical knowledge for teaching teachers, and students’ out-of-school mathematics practice.
Research pages: Experts @ Syracuse, Scopus, Academia, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Orcid