Jing Lei

Jing Lei
Professor; Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Email: jlei@syr.edu
Phone: 315.443.1362
Address: 230 Huntington Hall
Academic Program Area Focus: Instructional Design Development and Evaluation, Selected Studies in Education

Dr. Lei’s scholarship focuses on how information and communication technology can help prepare a new generation of citizens for a globalizing and digitizing world. Specifically, her research interests include technology integration in schools, social-cultural and psychological impact of technology, technology in informal learning settings, emerging technologies for education, and technology supported subject learning.


  • Ph.D. Learning, Technology, and Culture, Michigan State University
  • M.S. Higher Education and Comparative Education, Peking University
  • B.S. School Education, Henan University

Research & Scholarship

Dr. Lei has published three books (co-authored) and more than 50 journal articles and book chapters, presented more than 80 articles at national and international conferences, and was invited as to give more than 20 special guest speeches. Her research has been published in influential journals such as The Teachers College Record.

Her recent publications include The Digital Pencil: One-to-One Computing for Children (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates publishers, 2008), The Handbook of Asian Education: A Cultural Perspective (Routledge, 2010), and Never Send a Human to Do a Machine’s Job: Correcting the Top Five Edtech Mistakes (Corwin, 2015).

She received research funding from The Kauffmann Foundation (2008-2010), The National Science Foundation (2010-2013), and the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) (2018-2019). She has served as a review expert of the National Science Foundation, a reviewer and/or an editor for several academic journals. Her research has been featured by influential media such as USA Today, US News & World Report, and Education Week.

Courses Taught

Dr. Lei teaches courses in technology integration, instructional design, development and evaluation.