
Duane Graysay

Duane Graysay
Associate Professor
Phone: 315.443.1485
Address: 103C Carnegie Library
Academic Program Area Focus: Mathematics Education

Dr. Graysay is a researcher who studies the ways that individuals develop general statements in mathematics through the processes of generalizing and conjecturing. As a teacher educator, his interest is in preparing future mathematics teachers to recognize and build on students’ approaches to generalizing and conjecturing. Dr. Graysay is a member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, and the American Mathematical Society. He has reviewed for the Mathematics Teacher and the Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education and is a former Assistant Editor of Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. Dr. Graysay has presented his work at national and regional conferences of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the Conference for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, and the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.


  • Ph.D. in Mathematics Education, Pennsylvania State University, 2016
  • M.A. in Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University, 2016
  • M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction, University of Mary Washington, 2006
  • B.S. in Curriculum and Instruction, Pennsylvania State University, 1995

Research & Scholarship

Research Focus:

Advanced mathematical thinking; generalizing; conjecturing; preservice teacher education.

Graysay's research is focused on understanding how individuals engage in conjecturing and generalizing and in working to help secondary mathematics teachers build their skills in engaging students in important mathematical processes.

Top-level research questions:

  • What is the nature of mathematical generalizing, and how does it develop?
  • How do teachers learn to support students' engagement in mathematical practices?

Ongoing & Upcoming Projects:

  • Designing, enacting, and analyzing simulations of student-teacher instructional exchanges for secondary mathematics teacher preparation.
  • Designing & piloting interview protocols about undergraduate students' experience in a mindfulness-based intervention in college calculus.
  • Reading & analyzing existing literature about how students self-assess their knowledge and understanding in mathematics.

Grad Student Mentoring Possibilities

  • Collecting and analyzing qualitative interview data.
  • Writing and revising grant proposals.
  • Co-authoring proposals for regional and national conferences.

Courses Taught

  • MTD 634 (Teaching and Learning Functions)
  • MTD 637 (Teaching and Learning Geometry)
  • MTD 700 (Special topics: Argumentation in Math and Science Education)
  • MTD 700 (Special topics: Modelling in Math and Science Education)
  • MTD 700 (Special topics: Mathematical Thinking and Generalizing)
  • MAT 284 (Business Calculus)
  • MAT 295 (Introductory Calculus)
  • MAT 296 (Calculus II)
  • SED 416/616 (Assessment and Data Driven Instruction)
  • EDU 508 (Student Teaching)