
Barbara Applebaum

Barbara Applebaum
Phone: 315.443.3702
Address: 354 Huntington Hall
Academic Program Area Focus: Cultural Foundations of Education

Barbara Applebaum is trained in philosophy of education. Professor Applebaum's scholarly interests are currently focused on the point where ethics, education, and commitments to diversity converge. Her research is heavily informed by feminist ethics, feminist philosophy, and critical race theory. Applebaum's published papers have appeared in such journals as Educational Theory, Philosophy of Education, Educational Foundations, and the Journal of Moral Education. Applebaum is currently examining the theories of self and agency that are necessary to ground and sustain educational initiatives committed to social justice. She has a special interest in teachers' self-reflections on their own teaching process and has written articles on caring, building trust in the classroom, and what teacher authority can mean for a feminist pedagogue.


  • Ph.D. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, 1994

Research & Scholarship

My current scholarship focuses on three related areas: teaching critical whiteness studies, how white teachers committed to social justice negotiate their whiteness, and what can be gleaned about the conditions of just dialogue from the scholarship around epistemic injustice.

Courses Taught

CFE 710: Critical Whiteness Studies and Education

CFE 700: Epistemic Injustice in/and Education