
School of Education Presentations at the 2017 AERA Annual Meeting

The Syracuse University School of Education is well represented by our faculty, students, and alumni at the American Educational Research Association’s 2017 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX, April 27-May 1. Presentation titles, locations, and times are listed below. The full program including abstracts is available on the AERA website.

Reception for Faculty, Students, Alumni, Colleagues, and Friends

Friday, April 28, 7-9 p.m.
Rio Rio Cantina, 421 E Commerce St

Thursday, April 27

  • Vulnerability and Violence: Disabled Bodies Protest in the Global South (Roundtable Session 1)
    Katie Roquemore
    12-1:30 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom 1
  • State Special Education Regulations and Their Relationship to Inclusion for Students with Intellectual Disability (Roundtable Session 3)
    Julia White
    2:15-3:45 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom 1
  • Shifting Policy Approaches to “Safe” Schooling: Preparing Preservice Teachers to Understand and Address Systemic Marginalizations
    George Theoharis
    2:15-3:45 p.m., Grand Hyatt, Lone Star Ballroom Salon C
  • Following Through on South Korea’s Commitment to Inclusive Education: The Role of Teacher Education (Roundtable Session 5)
    Justin Freedman, Yosung Song
    4:05-5:35 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom 1
  • Access to General Education for Students with Intellectual Disability: A Survey of District Administrators (School Leadership for Equity in Student Learning)
    Julia White, Qiu Wang, Meghan Cosier
    4:05-6:05 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 213A

Friday, April 28

  • From Radical Violence to Racial Justice: Praxis and Implications for English Education
    Marcelle Haddix, chair and discussant
    8:15-9:45 a.m., Grand Hyatt, Lone Star Ballroom Salon F
  • Matters of Urgency for Social Justice Principals (Social Justice Tensions in the Principalship and Other School Leadership Roles)
    George Theoharis
    8:15-10:15 a.m., Grand Hyatt, Crockett C
  • Uncovering Complexity: Intersectionality and Interdisciplinary Approaches
    Mara Sapon-Shevin, chair
    10:35 a.m.-12:05 p.m., Grand Hyatt, Bowie A
  • Social Network Analysis of student-student interaction in a blog activity of an online course (Poster Session 6)
    Jiameng Cheng, Jing Lei, Mary Wilhelm-Chapin
    2:15-3:45 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Exhibit Hall 4
  • Literature as Liberation: Culturally Responsive Teaching in Constrained Contexts
    Marcelle Haddix
    2:15-3:45 p.m., Grand Hyatt, Republic A
  • New Directions: Public Scholarship through Community Engagement: A Landscape for Educational Equity, Opportunity, and Access
    Tashera Bolds, chair
    2:15-3:45 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 217D
  • Roundtable Session 11
    Mara Sapon-Shevin, chair
    2:15-3:45 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom 1
  • Black Girls, Education, and the Collateral Consequences of Mass Incarcertation (Rountable Session 12)
    Mary Cannito-Coville
    2:15-3:45 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom 3
  • Roundtable Session 13
    Alan Foley, chair
    4:05-5:35 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom 1
  • How Principals’ Instructional Feedback Practices Changed During Race to the Top (Leaders and Change in Policy and Practice)
    George Theoharis
    4:05-6:05 p.m., Gonzalez Conference Center, Room 213A

Saturday, April 29

  • Preparing for Blending K-12 Instruction: Preservice Teacher Development in a Flipped Technology-Integration Course (Constructing, Collaborating, and Preservice Teacher Learning in Literacy Education)
    Jacob Hall, Jing Lei
    8:15-9:45 a.m., Grand Hyatt, Bowie C
  • Practitioner Inquiry and Educational Equality/Inequality: The Next Generation
    Beth Myers
    8:15-10:15 a.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, 301A&B
  • Desks: Sites of Institutional Structure and Kids’ Agency in a First-Grade Classroom
    Meredith Devennie
    8:15-9:45 a.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom 1
  • Principals’ Use of Teaching Effectiveness Rubrics in a Race to the Top Evaluation System (Instructional Leadership and Supervision in the Age of School Reform and Accountability)
    George Theoharis
    10:35-12:05 p.m., Gonzalez Conference Center, Room 217B
  • Mapping Communicative Support: Documentation of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Services in IEPs (Roundtable Session 17)
    Katherine Vroman, Christy Ashby, Brianna Dickens, Casey Woodfield
    10:35 a.m.-12:05 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom 1
  • Perspective on Comparative and Transnational Education During the First Half of the 20th Century
    Mario Rios Perez
    10:35 a.m.-12:05 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 207A
  • #NoMoreHashtags: Disrupting and Interrupting Systemic Racism in Teaching and Teacher Education
    Marcelle Haddix, chair
    2:45-4:15 p.m., Grand Hyatt, Lone Star Ballroom Salon A
  • Tracing the Evolution of Education Abroad Program Models into the Age of the Corporate University: Perils and Possibilities (Historical Perspectives on Critical Internationalization)
    Julie Ficarra
    2:45-4:15 p.m., Grant Hyatt, Lone Star Ballroom Salon D
  • The Relationship Between Teaching Efficacy and Teaching Quality of EFL Teachers in Niger (International Education and Research)
    Bong Gee Jang
    2:45-4:15 p.m., Marriott Rivercenter, Conference Room 17
  • Real and Radical Vulnerability: Exploring My Role and Identity as a Researcher; Navigating Within/Outside of the Local Context: a Lesson from Qualitative Research in South Africa (Diverse “How” and Do Qualitative Research: Challenging White Qualitative Research Methods and Methodologies in DSE); What’s (Y)our Story? Co-Constructing Narrative Accounts With/of Students With Autism Who Type to Communicate; Current Absence and Future Potential of Korean Methods and Methodology in Disability Studies in Education
    Brianna Dickens; Yosung Song; Casey Woodfield; Eun Young Jung; Christy Ashby, chair
    2:45-4:15 p.m., Grand Hyatt, Second Floor, Bowie A

Sunday, April 30

  • Promoting Access Through Segregation: The Emergence of “Prioritized Curriculum” Class; Examining the Variability in Access to General Education Contexts for Students with Autism (Roundtable Session 21)
    Carrie Rood, Beth Ferri; Meghan Cosier, Julia White, Qiu Wang
    10:35 a.m.-12:05 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom 1
  • Queering Knowledge to Action: Supporting LGBTQ+ Identities in Educational Spaces
    Mara Sapon-Shevin
    12:25-1:55 p.m., Grand Hyatt, Bonham B
  • Validation of the Revised Elementary Reading Attitude Survey (Research in Reading and Literacy IV)
    Bong Gee Jang
    2:15-3:45 p.m., Grand Hyatt, Bonham D

Monday, May 1

  • Examination of Self-Supported Preservice Teachers’ Development as Culturally Responsive Teachers Through Awareness of Self-Cultural Heritage
    Kathleen Hinchman
    8:15-9:45 a.m., Grand Hyatt, Bonham E
  • Losing Hope for Change: Socially Just and Disability Studies in Education Educators Choice to Leave Public Schools (Roundtable Session 27)
    Carrie Rood; Mario Rios Perez, chair
    8:15-9:45 a.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom 1
  • Roundtable Session 30
    Alan Foley, chair
    10:35 a.m.-12:05 pm., Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 216B
  • Online Learners’ Cognitive Presence and Peer Facilitators’ Constibution: When Facilitation Scripts Are Used (Revisiting the Community of Inquiry)
    Ye Chen, Jacob Hall
    10:35 a.m.-12:05 p.m., Grant Hyatt, Republic B
  • Exploring Teacher Candidates’ Physiological Reponses within Clinical Simulations: Design and Methodological Considerations (Designing and Assessing Learning in Digital Environments)
    Benjamin Dotger, Kevin Heffernan, Tiago Barreira
    10:35 a.m.-12:05 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 208
  • “Yes, We Do See Color!” Actively Combating Racism in Early Childhood Education; Words Do Matter: Children’s Books and Music That Challenge Racism, Homophobia, and Bullying
    Mara Sapon-Shevin
    10:35 a.m.-12:05 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 207A
  • When You Know Better, Do Better: The Impact of Outdated Placement Decisions for Students with Disabilities; Is Special Education Improving? Evidence on Segregation, Outcomes, and Spending from NYC (Roundtable Session 32)
    Kate MacLeod, Julie Causton, George Theoharis; Amy Schwartz
    12:25-1:55 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom 3
  • Access to Math: School Characteristics Associated with Minority Enrollment From the Civil Rights Data Collection (School Organization and Educational Opportunity)
    Lauren Jetty
    12:25-1:55 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 216B
  • “It’s Not Mistake That This Happens in Texas”: Textbook Controversies, (Mis)Representation, and Racial Violence
    Marcelle Haddix, chair
    12:25-1:55 p.m., Grand Hyatt, Lone Star Ballroom Salon A
  • Parental Expectations During Adolescence and Children’s Life Satisfaction in Adulthood (Poster Session 17)
    Eunjoo Jung, Woosang Hwang, Yue Zhang, Ying Zhang
    2:15-3:45 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom 2
  • PS07 Mexican American Educational Experiences and Historical Struggle for Equal Educational Opportunity: A Critical Conversation
    Mario Rios Perez
    2:15-3:45 p.m., Gonzalez Convention Center, 301A&B