
Faculty, Students, Local Teachers Participate in Lesson Study at Homer Jr. High School

Student write observations, next to a diagram of different chemical reactions

Students and teachers from Burton Street Elementary School (Cazenovia) and Marcellus High School participated in an “It’s Go Time: Science For All” lesson study conference at Homer Jr. High School in Cortland. The conference was led by Sharon Dotger, associate professor of science education in the School of Education, and Jessica Whisher-Hehland, Coordinator of the OCM BOCES Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning. The day long-event included discussions, panels, and a keynote from Akihiko Takahashi of the Lesson Study Alliance.

Teachers and faculty panel at the lesson study conferenceOnondaga-Madison-Cortland BOCES and the School of Education have been hosting annual lesson study conferences since 2016. These are opportunities for teachers from across New York State to watch and participate in science lessons based on the most current state standards, observing student learning, and later discussing, analyzing, and continuously improving instructional practices. Dotger previously spoke about lesson study:

“If we can bring them to life in the classroom, the science learning opportunities for children will improve. The vision is to move beyond basic hands-on. It is to engage kids in work that matters and mimics scientists’ ways of thinking. We want to move beyond baking soda-and-vinegar ‘volcanoes’ or models made from food.”