
SU Mentor Mentee Alliance Spotlight

LPSHS student with otto the orange

The Syracuse University Mentor Mentee Alliance, a partnership between Syracuse University and the Leadership and Public Service High School in New York City, was featured recently in the SU in NYC newsletter. The high school has a partnership with both the School of Education and the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs.

Ruth Sherman ´73 has carried the mantle of SUMMA Chairperson for the past eight years with Curt Dircks ´09 helping since 2013. “Ruth has so much passion for this group,” explains Curt. “As a former lawyer, she makes sure we dot all the I’s and cross all the T’s to make sure these kids and mentors have the best possible experience.” “I answered one of those all-call emails and was able to become a mentor,” said Curt. Ruth’s passion led Curt from being a mentor to one of the key organizers for the group and the mentorship program.

“Something that we tell the mentors right off the bat is that in the short time you are with your mentee, you have to figure out how much involvement is needed.,” says Curt. “A lot of people come in gung-ho and some kids just need you to be there while others need a lot more than that.”

To get involved or make a gift please contact Curt at or visit