
Marcelle Haddix Wins AACTE Outstanding Book Award

Marcelle HaddixThe American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) today announced Marcelle Haddix as the recipient of the 2018 AACTE Outstanding Book Award for her book Cultivating Racial and Linguistic Diversity in Literacy Teacher Education: Teachers Like Me. Haddix is Dean’s Associate Professor and Chair of the Reading and Language Arts Department in the Syracuse University School of Education. She will be recognized formally with the award at AACTE’s 70th Annual Meeting next month in Baltimore, Md.

This volume, published in 2016 by Routledge, engages the literacy and English-education community in a much-needed conversation about the limited presence of racially and linguistically diverse teachers in the field. It also offers approaches to improve preservice teacher preparation in all subjects in order to better meet the needs of candidates from a variety of racial, ethnic and linguistic backgrounds. Reviewers praised this book for its clear and engaging writing and its well-sourced, thoughtful scholarship—as well as its timely and critical focus on diversifying the teaching workforce.

Cultivating Racial and Linguistic Diversity in Literacy Teacher Education book coverThis award is given annually by AACTE to recognize a book that makes a significant contribution to the knowledge base of educator preparation. Overseen by the AACTE Committee on Research and Dissemination, this award also seeks to honor books that not only are well-written but offer a fresh lens on current assumptions or practices, reorient thinking in the field and show potential for significant impact on policy or practice in educator preparation.

Based in Washington, D.C., AACTE is a national alliance of 800 colleges and universities with educator preparation programs dedicated to high-quality, evidence-based preparation that assures educators are profession-ready as they enter the classroom. The AACTE awards program has been recognizing excellence since 1996 in both member institutions and individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of educator preparation. By honoring notable programs and practices, professional accomplishments and scholarship, these awards encourage AACTE members to strengthen the profession through innovation, leadership and inquiry.