
Sam Roux

Sam Roux
Academic Coordinator, InclusiveU
Phone: 315.849.7616
Address: 305 Huntington Hall

Sam Roux has worked at the Taishoff Center since 2014, serving in multiple roles. Sam started as the Coordinator of the ACCESS program through Onondaga Community Living. In 2017, Sam became InclusiveU's Student Support Coordinator, supporting InclusiveU residential students in building independent living skills and getting involved in campus life. In 2021, Sam moved into the Academic Coordinator role where he oversees the academic progress and goals for InclusiveU and works with SU faculty to increase educational opportunities for our students.

Sam graduated in 2013 from SUNY Fredonia with a dual degree in History and Social Studies Adolescent Education. Prior to his roles with the Taishoff Center, he worked as a campus mentor, supporting individual InclusiveU students as they navigated college life.