
’Cuse Conversations: SOE Student Jack Withee ’26 Helps Celebrate 80 Years of the Goon Squad

Celebrating 80 years of making a difference in the lives of first-year students, the Goon Squad—featuring more than 550 student leaders—will greet new students and lend a hand during move-in at residence halls as part of Syracuse Welcome, the University’s new student orientation program.

Jack Withee seated with a children's book
Jack Withee ’26

“I went to a very small [high] school, and when you joined a group like the Goon Squad, it immediately gave you a bunch of great friends. I still have those friendships today,” says Sue Weber ’68, who earned an illustration degree from the School of Art (now part of the College of Visual and Performing Arts) and met her husband, Eric, on campus. “I can’t believe the Goon Squad is turning 80 years old. Such great memories!”

This year, the University is preparing to welcome more than 4,000 first-year students. International students arrive Friday, while domestic students move in Aug. 19-21 and embark on a week filled with programs that introduce new students and their loved ones to life on campus through academic and social events.

“We make sure the move-in environment is the most welcoming and inclusive it can be. We’re the first face of the Syracuse community that these students are being introduced to,” says Jack Withee ’26, an inclusive elementary and special education major in the School of Education. “When the Goon Squad helps them move in, they haven’t met the students on their floor yet. We’re greeting them at the door as they come to campus, so it’s important from the get-go that we set the tone that this is your new home.”

In this “’Cuse Conversation,” Weber and Withee reminisce about their own experiences moving into Syracuse University, share when they knew they wanted to join the Goon Squad and discuss the lasting impact and legacy of the Goon Squad.

Check out episode 167 of the “’Cuse Conversations” podcast featuring Weber and Withee. A transcript [PDF] is also available.

How did the Goon Squad help with your move-in?

Jack Withee: I was so excited to get to campus and start the journey to become the person I always wanted to be. But your first day is so nerve-wracking. Luckily, I had this woman, Erin, who moved me in. I remember as she was moving me in, she looked me in the eyes and told me that I was going to be okay. She truly made me believe it, and that made me realize I was ready to spread my wings and that I can do this. That’s something I’ve carried with me throughout my time on campus, and that’s something I tell every single one of the students I help move in.

Sue Weber: My freshman year I lived in Washington Arms, which was used as a dining room for the Peace Corps at the time. During what was a chaotic time, I was so thankful for the Goon Squad. They took me aside and welcomed me to campus. I was on the fifth floor, so they helped me put all my stuff in the elevator and answered the questions my mom and dad had. The Goon Squad was just wonderful and very helpful, and we were so happy they were there to help.

When did you know you wanted to give back and join the Goon Squad?

Weber: I absolutely knew I wanted to give back and join the Goon Squad when it was my turn. I remember how overwhelmed I felt coming to campus from a small school and a small town into this huge university. I know how that made me feel and I always wanted the classes behind me to feel the same way that I felt because of the Goon Squad. I wanted them to feel welcomed and know that they made the right choice coming to Syracuse University.

Withee: Whenever I saw Erin [who helped me during move-in] on campus, I would realize how much I had grown since move-in, and to think she jump-started that growth by helping me get on my feet and start the year on a level playing field. She made me want to pay it forward and give back to the first-year students who came after me.

How would you describe the lasting impact and legacy of the Goon Squad here on campus?

Weber: It’s a testament to how important it is and how people feel about it. It leaves a lasting memory. It’s something that made you feel good then and something that makes me feel really good now. It’s just a wonderful thing to introduce people to a big campus that can be very overwhelming, and you don’t forget the help you received from the Goon Squad.

Withee: The presence the Goon Squad has on campus is so powerful. You only move into Syracuse University once and no one forgets the people who move them in. That sticks with you, this spirit of the campus community being there to help each other out when you really need the help. It’s an honor to help first-year students. Syracuse has provided me with so many opportunities to be the person I’ve always wanted to become, and I’m so grateful.

Originally published by SU News.