
Professor George Theoharis Addresses Teaching Career Trends with CNY Central

(CNY Central | Feb. 12, 2024) For years, universities and colleges have seen a decline in people enrolling in education bachelor programs. Syracuse University professor George Theoharis said he’s witnessed it firsthand. He is saddened by the decline but can find some understanding of why there are fewer students enrolled.

George TheoharisIn a Brown University study, “The Rise and Fall of the Teaching Profession: Prestige, Interest, Preparation, and Satisfaction over the Last Half Century,” it stated that in 1998, 78% of parents wanted their child to be a teacher and that percentage remained relatively high until 2010. In 2022, that number declined to 37% …

… Syracuse Teachers Association President Nicole Capsello said the negative feedback teachers receive is wearing, especially for new teachers. “We’ve lost respect for educators to the point that our system has become so punitive against what they’re doing,” said Capsello. “To be constantly be told it’s not enough but we’re going to give you less to do more. Most people don’t want to do that for 30 years.”

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