
Timothy Eatman appointed to the National Advisory Panel for the 2015 Elective Community Engagement Classification process

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the New England Resource Center for Higher Education are pleased to announce the members of the National Advisory Panel for the 2015 Elective Community Engagement Classification process. This includes Timothy Eatman, faculty in cultural foundations of education. Established in 2006, the National Advisory Panel plays an integral role in reviewing applications and offering assessments as to which institutions qualify to receive the Community Engagement Classification.  In addition, the Panel provides guidance and insight around issues that help shape the content and administration of the Classification in future years.

Members of the National Advisory Panel are recognized nationally and internationally as leading scholars in community engagement.  Their significant commitment of time, creative thought, and deep expertise are central to the selection of newly classified as well as re-classified colleges and universities.

For more information about each of the National Advisory Panel members, please visit NERCHE’s website.