
Dean Masingila Appointed as Co-Chair of Task Force on Sexual and Relationship Violence

Acting on a recommendation from the Chancellor’s Workgroup on Sexual Violence Prevention, Education and Advocacy, Chancellor Kent Syverud today appointed 30 members of the campus community to a standing Task Force on Sexual and Relationship Violence.

“The members of this new task force, representing students, faculty, staff and the broader community, will continue to look critically at our sexual assault and relationship violence services, policies and programs every semester,” Chancellor Syverud says. “Even more important, its members will also help to advance and implement further improvements in sexual violence prevention, education and advocacy services on campus.”

The idea to establish the task force originated from a smaller workgroup convened at the start of the academic year. The workgroup’s final report—delivered in December—recommended a permanent task force be established, including “individuals with expertise and authority on issues related to students’ need; privilege and confidentiality; federal, state, and local statutes and policies; and fiscal and human resource issues.”

Professor and Dean of the School of Education Joanna Masingila and Senior Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs Rebecca Reed Kantrowitz will serve as co-chairs of the new task force.

“I am honored to work with Dean Kantrowitz to lead this task force that is comprised of members representing groups from across the campus,” says Dean Masingila. “Chancellor Svyerud has charged us with important and meaningful work, and I am confident that my colleagues and I will address these issues in the best interests of our students.”

Members of the task force also include Dalia Rodriguez, associate professor of cultural foundations of education.

Since delivery of the initial workgroup’s final report in December, the Division of Student Affairs—in partnership with several departments on campus and with the full support of Chancellor Syverud—has been instituting a number of the original workgroup’s short-term and long-term recommendations. This included creating new support groups; signing on with the White House’s “It’s on Us” campaign; organizing a full calendar of educational programs and events around the subject of informed consent; and providing detailed information to faculty, staff and students about Title IX.

“Sexual assault and relationship violence continues to be a serious issue on college campuses today, and we must do everything we can to make sure our students feel safe, empowered and supported,” says Dean Kantrowitz. “I am certain the establishment of this task force, so deep with knowledge and expertise, will have a significant, positive and enduring impact on our campus culture.”