
Schupak Family Gift Establishes Endowed Scholarship and Fund

Donald Schupack at the 2014 Arents AwardsSyracuse University is thrilled to announce The Schupak Family Fund and Scholarship for Education, Leadership, and Public Service. The gift is composed of annual support and a significant bequest from alumnus Donald Schupak ’64, L’66. The Schupak Family Fund and Scholarship represents the deeply held values of Schupak, who recognizes that Syracuse University is a place of promise and opportunity, especially for those ready to tap into their own moxie and ingenuity.

A New York native, Donald Schupak has a decades-long history of supporting the University. The former attorney, now entrepreneur, is once again pledging to provide vital resources to the University’s School of Education and Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and their integral partnership with the Leadership and Public Service High School (LPSHS) in New York City, formerly known as the High School for Leadership and Public Service.

Schupak was the catalyst for the founding of the high school and its partnership with Syracuse University 22 years ago. For this, and his numerous professional accomplishments and contributions to SU, he was honored with the Arents Award, Syracuse University’s highest alumni honor in 2014. His acceptance speech focused on his commitment to providing academically gifted students access to the University who, without personal and financial support, might not successfully matriculate.

“When I was in high school I wasn’t the best student, but Syracuse University saw something in me that my principal apparently didn’t,” says Schupak. “Once finding success in my life and in a position to give back, I knew I needed to do something to provide opportunity for others less privileged than I was. Conceiving and presenting to the NYC Board of Education a private sector-themed model to make education contextual, SU’s Maxwell and Education schools stepped to the plate as private sector partners of the new LPSHS, which served as proof of concept for the scores of new schools to follow. It is my hope that my support will help sustain and enhance that opportunity.”

An annual gift of $50,000 will be used to support a variety of programs connected with LPSHS, including professional development of teachers and student-teachers from the School of Education; Summer College scholarships for current high-achieving LPSHS students; Maxwell School interns at LPSHS; support for the annual SU alumni speaker at LPSHS; and mentorship innovation by the Friends of Leadership—a flagship program for SU at LPSHS.

The impressive mentorship program supported by the Friends of Leadership, a group of SU alumni committed to bolstering opportunities for LPSHS students, ensures that college-ready students from the LPSHS are given support and ample opportunity to choose and be recruited by competitive colleges and universities, including Syracuse University.

“Donald’s support has meant a tremendous amount,” says Ruth Sherman, President of the Friends of Leadership. “It’s a part of his legacy and has always helped us when we needed aid. He’s been our largest supporter through the years.”

LPSHS students who go on to SU will benefit from Schupak’s tireless commitment to both institutions as a result of his $1,000,000 bequest. This gift, when realized, will create an endowed fund that will generate a full-tuition scholarship for an LPSHS student attending SU.

“The gift he’s announcing now is so important to the school and its students,” says Sherman. “The possibility for a full scholarship is crucial to making a difference in our students’ lives.”

“Though it is now a national conversation, providing access to education for all has always been something I hold as a paramount personal ideal.” says Schupak. “This is why I’ve worked with the University to set up my bequest to create the endowed fund. I want to know that students who meet the rigorous standards of all Syracuse University applicants, but who may not necessarily be able to afford the cost, will have that chance. We will all benefit from the enriched lives of recipients who I hope will be leaders and who will make similar opportunities available to others as part of the legacy of their successes.”

Learn more about Schupak’s commitment and contributions to the worlds of education and public service in the video below.