601 Tully presents ‘Getting to Know You’ Exhibition

601 Tully, the center for engaged art and research on Syracuse’s Near West Side, presents a multi-artist art exhibition, “Getting to Know You” (GTKY), featuring work by damali abrams, Fanny Allié, American Bear and CampusNeighbor+SoundLogics. GTKY will run until April 26.

Gallery hours for the exhibition are Wednesday through Saturday from 2-5 p.m., or by appointment. The public is invited to attend a reception with the artists titled “Hello, my name is …,” on Friday, Feb. 7, from 6-8 p.m., at the 601 Tully gallery. Free on-street parking is available.

thank you for looking at me, by damali abrams“Getting to Know You” explores relationships formed through social media and questions their authenticity.

“I wanted to push the boundaries and perceptions of what an art exhibition should be by engaging the viewers in new and exciting ways,” says 601 Tully curator Jillian Nakornthap. “Almost all of the work requires the audience to activate the piece in some manner. With each participatory action, the viewers will have the opportunity to directly interact with others in a meaningful way.”

Upcoming events related to the GTKY exhibition include Mixed Mic Night, in collaboration with StudioDog Pro, on Thursday, Feb. 20, from 7-9 p.m.; Performance Art Workshop with damali abrams on Thursday, April 3, from 6-8 p.m., Bartering Event presented by CampusNeighbor+SoundLogics on Saturday, April 5, from 3:30-6:30 p.m. and Nice to Meet You!, a closing reception and film screening/talkback, featuring “The Friendliest Town in Idaho” by Sarah Sellman and Greg Grano of American Bear Productions on Thursday, April 24, from 7-9 p.m. All of the programs at 601 Tully are free and open to the public.

Throughout the exhibition, the public is invited to complete GTKY event postcards, available at 601 Tully and at different businesses around the Near West Side neighborhood. The cards ask participants to write the answers to questions such as, “what was the happiest moment of your life so far?” or “how has social media affected your life?” and submit a photo of the card with their response to Instagram with #GTKY601tully. Completed cards will be displayed as part of the exhibition and the Instagram hashtag will create an online extension to the dialogue.

601 Tully is a living sculpture on the Near West Side of Syracuse where artists, community members, and scholars engage in the co-production of culture. 601 Tully is supported by the School of Education, The Kauffman Foundation, the Near West Side Initiative, Imagining America, Home HeadQuarters Inc., Say Yes to Education and National Grid.

For more information, visit 601tully.syr.edu, email 601tully@syr.edu or call 315-442-1297.